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View original drawings and sketches of filming locations (printing disabled) in this section.
These drawings and sketches as well as the downsized reproductions of original drawings come from LORIMAR's art department. The downsized copies were handed to all staff and crew members concerned for their day-to-day operations, in particular to each episode's director as well as to the set dressers and prop masters. Some directors made annotations or added lines to indictate the camera angles from which they wanted to shoot scenes in the particular episode (listed in parentheses).
Some files may contain additional pages with explanations by the DFCF board, such as camera angles and further details as well as changes in the set or how the same set was redressed for different purposes.
"Local locations" — from the production company's perspective — are filming locations within the usual 30-mile zone around the major movie studios in Greater Los Angeles.
Variety Arts Building, Los Angeles: including set dressing for

  • Helios Club (interiors; # 144)
  • Comedy Jungle (interiors; # 144)
more drawings coming soon...