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The names of the following places refer to the location names and addresses as known from the show. To learn more about the use of these filming sites in particular episodes of the series and to find out where they are situated in real life, refer to the behind the scenes information in the episode section.
Queen of the Valley Hospital –
Tuscany Valley Medical Center


The Queen of the Valley Hospital is an expensive private medical facilities complex. The new main wing — with the Madonna statue on the front wall — being established in 1985, QVH became the official corporate name of the hospital. It is the only hospital in the city of Tuscany; Jasper Gioberti was one of its founders.

Before the new main wing was established, the QVH consisted of various smaller buildings that were known as Tuscany Valley (Memorial) Hospital. These wings are still parts of the building complex and are still widely referred to as Tuscany Valley (Memorial) Hospital or as Tuscany Community Hospital.
The QVH wing housing a clinic, laboratories and a pharmacy is called Tuscany Valley Medical Center.
The vast building complex has some more wings, including the Frank Agretti Cancer Unit and the Ortega Trauma Center.
Tuscany Valley County Hospital
In addition, there is also a public county hospital in the Tuscany Valley, which, however, remained unseen and was only referred to in dialog. It must be located outside the city of Tuscany.
San Francisco Metropolitan Hospital

The Metropolitan Hospital is a big medical facility in San Francisco.
San Francisco Memorial Hospital

Another medical facility in San Francisco: The San Francisco Memorial Hospital.

Mercy Hospital
The Mercy Hospital in San Francisco remained unseen, but was referred to in dialog.
San Francisco General Hospital
The San Francisco General Hospital remained unseen, but was referred to in dialog.