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# 115 <5.17> Shattered Dreams
(revised 04/08/2024)

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Script | Credits | Filming Locations

Tentative title: Chimera.
Post-production mistake: Emma and J.J. were both taken to the emergency room of the Queen of the Valley Hospital — at least if we believe the establishing shot. This is very strange because J.J.'s office, where he shot himself, is located in San Francisco. The officer speaking with Jordan is also from San Francisco as the shoulder patch on his uniform makes clear. Furthermore, the hijacking of Dwayne's truck (Emma was on) took place on their way from the valley to San Francisco. Richard later mentions he wants roses to be sent to Emma — to the Metropolitan Hospital! These San Francisco medical facilities make much more sense in this context!
Apparently, post-production mistakes were made: The film editors used stock footage of the QVH instead of the Metropolitan Hospital for the establishing scenes. This may have been caused by the post-production crew's use of a dated script version for selecting establishing shots because an earlier script version referred to the hospital in the Tuscany Valley.

Product placement: A cardiac monitor by Guardian can be seen in the ER.


PETER PAUL EASTMAN (uncredited extra) plays a white-haired gentleman, who is at the San Francisco Metropolitan Hospital in this episode.
Compare # 221 for a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 021.

Mistake: Shortly after Angela and Chao-Li's arrival at the San Francisco Metropolitan Hospital, the doctor's close-up features uncredited extra PETER PAUL EASTMAN sitting down on one of the chairs in the waiting area in the background. In the subsequent long shot, however, he is suddenly walking straight towards the camera to go to the nurses' station.
This is a mistake caused by the particular close-up filming technique — check # 001 (Chase and Maggie at the Gioberti Family Cemetery) for details.
All Metropolitan Hospital interior shots are filmed in the building complex of what used to be the Pacoima Hospital (nowadays Phoenix House Foundation) in Lake View Terrace, CA.
A poster with an artwork by American artist SUSAN PEAR MEISEL (born 1947) — "The Washington Monument" — can be seen in one of the hallways at the San Francisco Metropolitan Hospital.
The same prop was already used in different areas of the Tuscany Valley Hospital in # 041, 048, 059 and 064, in Melissa's gynecologist's practice in # 088, in another hallway at the San Francisco Metropolitan Hospital in # 096 and in two different QVH hallways in # 102, 103 and 110. Although the corridor at the Metropolitan Hospital in the current episode is not an interior set on a sound stage, but a real location, LORIMAR dressed this corridor with the prop.
The picture in Emma's room at the San Francisco Metropolitan Hospital is the same prop as the one used in Robin's room at the Queen of the Valley Hospital in # 110.

The Stavros Shipping Lines van at the docks is a beige 1980 Ford Econoline.
It is, by the way, the same picture car that was used as the unmarked surveillance van Gilmore used in # 106 and 107.


Chris drives a light gray 1984 Dodge Diplomat Sedan now.

Mistake: In the scene with Chris and Lance at the harbor in San Francisco, Lance first closes his lunch box. In the next frame filmed from across, however, the lunch box is still (or again) open.
This is a mistake caused by the particular close-up filming technique — check # 001 (Chase and Maggie at the Gioberti Family Cemetery) for details.
Another mistake of the same kind happens in the course of this scene: When Chris and Lance say their goodbyes and shake hands on the dock, Chris extends his hand a good length to reach Lance, who does the same towards Chris (screen captures 1 and 2). But in the very next frame after Lance's close-up (in the shot featuring them both; screen grab 3), Chris and Lance are hardly standing at the distance previously implied for such a long reaching handshake.
DAVID GUST, the tall, black-haired and mustached uncredited extra, who is best known for his rôle as an assistant district attorney (# 091, 092 and 154), but who also plays different characters in the series, portrays a worker at the Port of San Francisco in this episode. He will appear in the same rôle again at the dockside bar later in this episode (see below). Not a wise decision to choose this extra because of his usual appearances as a Tuscany County A.D.A.
Compare # 183 for a list of appearances throughout the series.
J.J. Roberts' funeral at a San Francisco cemetery is filmed at Glen Haven Memorial Park in Sylmar, CA (northern part of Los Angeles).
All the headstones are props. In contrast to this, there are only plaques lying in the lawn in the real cemetery.
The rental limousine taking Jordan and Greg to the cemetery is a black stretched 1984 Lincoln Town Car.
Different footage: When Jordan, at the cemetery in San Francisco, says about her mother that she is just as much responsible for what happened as her father was, that moment is featured in a close-up of Greg filmed from over Jordan's shoulder during the actual scene in this episode (screen grab 1). In contrast, the sneak preview featured between the closing credit and the end credits of # 114 (but not the sneak preview before the current episode's main title) contains a close-up of Jordan in that very moment (screen capture 2) — apparently from a different take.
For details about the different types of sneak previews in season 5, consult the introduction to # 099.
Uncredited extra ROBIN BLAKE participates again as the middle-aged blonde Tuscany Valley socialite — this episode attending J.J. Roberts' funeral.
Compare # 222 for biographical details about this minor rôle and a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 015.

Harriet's rental limousine is a stretched black Cadillac Sedan DeVille.

Deleted scene: Act 2 included a scene with Terry and Floyd at the Tuscany Downs Turf Club with Floyd expressing how sorry he was that Terry got married with Richard. The writers originally intended to develop a romance between Terry and Floyd, maybe even a love triangle including Richard. This scene was filmed, but removed in post-production.
The interior set of the bedroom in Jordan's apartment is the redressed back part of the set of her living room — saving production cost.
After his first appearance in this episode (see above), DAVID GUST, the tall, black-haired and mustached uncredited extra, who is best known for his rôle as an assistant district attorney (# 091, 092 and 154), but who also plays different characters in the series, appears again as a worker at the Port of San Francisco, now at the dockside bar. Not a wise decision to choose this extra because of his usual appearances as a Tuscany County A.D.A.
Compare # 183 for a list of appearances throughout the series.
Mistake: In his last scene, Chris' left hand is on Emma's chair in the sun room of the Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion. In the next frame filmed from a different angle, however, he has his hand in the pocket of his pants.
This is a mistake caused by the particular close-up filming technique — check # 001 (Chase and Maggie at the Gioberti Family Cemetery) for details.
Although the "priest from the East" (his colleagues' nickname for him) is very popular on the set, CBS demands — to the producers' dismay — KEN OLIN be written off.
Agretti Residence set — inconsistency: A moveable wall made from wood can be seen through the open French door. It has not been there up to the previous episode.

Post-production mistake: The establishing shot of the Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion at night is one of the clips shot during filming of the fire scene for # 103 (compare there), which includes the false gable that was specifically built and burnt down.

The San Francisco nightclub where Jordan (as Monica) goes to is actually what used to be the Touch nightclub in West Hollywood, CA. Compare # 114 for a different use of the Touch.
According to previous script drafts, the original choice for the name of Jordan's "second personality" was not Monica, but Nicole.
Music: Although the show hardly ever uses contemporary music not specifically written for it, the scene at the nightclub features the 1985 song "Election Day" by ARCADIA, a DURAN DURAN offshoot band.

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