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# 107 <5.09> The Naked Truth
(revised 07/18/2022)

Shortcuts to this episode's
Script | Credits | Filming Locations


Mistake: For the night scene when Terry and Floyd have dinner with Chase and Maggie at the Gioberti House, the establishing shot was not chosen carefully since the camera zooms on the turret of the living room while the following scene is staged in the dining room. The editors were negligent in post-production.

The Whitakers are invited to Angela's engagement party. According to Emma, they are out of the wine business as a result of Angela's doing. This must be a different Whitaker family — different from Simon Whitaker, who sold his land to Chase in # 055.
Inside joke: Once again (compare # 054), ERNIE WALLENGREN, the writer of this episode, "borrowed" this last name from his mother, CLAIRE WHITAKER, who is also a member of the show's producing staff.
Mistake: In the scene with Angela, Emma and Greg in the Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion study, Angela is looking down with a scowl on her face. Also, the papers in her hands are curled and partly resting against the edge of her desk. In the very next frame, her close-up, she is smirking and holding the papers up, which are no longer curled.
This is a mistake caused by the particular close-up filming technique — check # 001 (Chase and Maggie at the Gioberti Family Cemetery) for details.
KRDC is renamed KBRR (Bay Rock Radio).
The channel identification starting with the letter "K" indicates that the station is west of the Mississippi. Just as a side note, channel identifications east of the Mississippi begin with the letter "W" in the U.S.
Cast and crew background: MARK WALLENGREN, who plays the KBRR program host this episode, is writer and supervising producer ERNIE WALLENGREN's brother. He will serve as the bumper and sneak preview announcer for the following two seasons. MARK has also been a radio host in real life since these days.
Inside joke: Mark Greene (original script drafts: Mark Warren and Mark Wall), the character name of the radio program host, is a pun — a play on the name of MARK WALLENGREN.
The broadcast booth is actually located on the CBS-MTM STUDIOS (now RADFORD STUDIO CENTER) scoring stage (also compare # 074).
Product placement: The recording tapes at KBRR (behind MARK WALLENGREN in the above screen capture) are Scotch brand tapes.
Bad surprise for DAVID SELBY: Contrary to usual filming practices, MORGAN FAIRCHILD does not only pretend to hit him, but slaps him in the face, indeed!
This happens the second time to him, by the way (compare # 090).
The establishing shot for the Tuscany Valley restaurant where Angela and Robin meet is from what used to be the En Brochette (nowadays Il Cielo) in Beverly Hills, CA (exteriors — stock footage from a film library). The filming location for the interiors is the Main Street Bar & Grill (nowadays Downtown Joe's Brewery & Restaurant) in Napa, CA.
Season time frame: When Angela and Robin have lunch together, it is one week after Angela's invitation (last third of # 106).
Strange: Costello says this year (1985) is an election year. Chase, however, said the same about the previous year in # 079. In season 6 (1986), another election will take place.
Omitted was a scene early in act 2 in which Melissa and Cole enter their bedroom in the Agretti Residence, coming home from an expensive San Francisco restaurant called Belle Voir where they had 1972 de Muriac Champagne. They discuss setting a date for their church wedding.
Inside joke: Referring to Terry's help in collecting evidence against Costello, Maggie says Terry will probably be called for an interview by Barbara Walters. BARBARA WALTERS is a famous U.S. anchor newsperson and, when this episode originally aired, was the ladyfriend of LORIMAR co-founder's MERV ADELSON; they got married May 10, 1986, but divorced in 1992.
Mistake: During Angela and Peter's lunch, Angela's right hand is in different positions in subsequent frames filmed from different angles.
This is a mistake caused by the particular close-up filming technique — check # 001 (Chase and Maggie at the Gioberti Family Cemetery) for details.
Uncredited extra PAUL VAN appears in this episode again — not in his usual rôle though, but — in a totally different outfit — as a waiter who is serving lunch for Cass and Richard in the New Globe executive office.
Compare # 227 for biographical details about PAUL VAN's primary minor rôle and a list of all his appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 014.
JANE WYMAN is replaced by a stunt double in parts of the scene with the flat tire of Angela's car.
The filming location for the scene is Dry Creek Road (just north of Harvest Lane) in the Napa Valley. The close-ups of the actors are partly filmed on some of the smaller roads nearby.
Omitted was a scene from act 3 in early script drafts: Richard and Cass are in bed in the bedroom in his house.
Mistake: In the scene at her Mercedes-Benz 380 SL, Angela has her right hand on her trunk lid and her left hand on her hip. This was not the case in the precedent frame.
This is a mistake caused by the particular close-up filming technique — check # 001 (Chase and Maggie at the Gioberti Family Cemetery) for details.
According to Angela, her car is "brand new" — but her light beige Mercedes-Benz 380 SL looks the same as ever. She most likely bought a new one — yet the same model — after Joel's assassination attempt and must have registered the car with the same license plate as her previous one in season 4.

As it can be noticed near the right rear wheel of the Mercedes-Benz 380 SL, a hydraulic pump was used to lift the car. DANIEL GREENE did not really have to use his muscles...

The real Napa Valley Courthouse is the filming location for the interior scenes at the Tuscany County Courthouse in this episode and the next one. Courtroom B was also used for # 044.
LEONARD STONE, who played Harrison Albright from the Tuscany Valley Hospital board in season 3, now co-stars as Carl Fuller, a judge in the civil division of the Tuscany County Courthouse.
Mistake: Over a longer period of time, the very same people exit the courtroom in the background again and again, but are back in the room again in later parts of the scene. The most striking person is a blond woman wearing a dark flannelly blouse.
In the usual process of making a movie or a TV show, scenes are shot at least twice — as a wide angle shot and in close-up, which bears the risk of inconsistencies. Compare # 001 (Chase and Maggie at the Gioberti Family Cemetery) for the advantages and disadvantages of this shooting procedure.
The filming location for the scene in downtown Tuscany (Costello being arrested) is the Dwight Murray Plaza near the Ristorante Allegria in Napa, CA. The Paul R. Gore Clock Tower to be seen in this episode and # 158 was located on that plaza until 1997.

When Costello is arrested, the Mexican restaurant La Bufa is visible in the background in Tuscany. It used to be a real restaurant in Napa, CA while the series was in production and no longer exists.

The identification code of the patrol car (a 1980 Chevrolet Malibu Sedan) taking Costello to jail is 8658.
The Tuscany River crosses a small corner of Falcon Crest land — Angela finally donates these 30 acres to the Tuscany county to build a reservoir there.
Real-life allusion: Lance mentions British pop singer BOY GEORGE.
Early script drafts contained a scene in Angela's study in the Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion in act 4 in which Peter returns from a 2-day business trip from Los Angeles the night before the engagement party. In later rewrites, the dialog between Angela and Peter about her love for him was amalgamated into the earlier scene in the sun room (which was actually shot).

Product placement: At Angela and Peter's engagement party, Perrier-Jouët Champagne (Fleur de Champagne) is poured.


The swimming pool in front of the Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion was covered with boards to convert the area into a party grounds for Angela and Peter's engagement party.

Mistake: During Angela and Peter's engagement party, Emma introduces Dwayne to Maggie and Chase at the entrance to the Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion. Immediately after the cut from the long shot to the close-up, a couple suddenly appears behind Dwayne, first the lady in the yellow gown; the couple was nowhere visible on the veranda before though.
This is a mistake caused by the particular close-up filming technique — check # 001 (Chase and Maggie at the Gioberti Family Cemetery) for details.
Edited scene: The conversation between Greg and Jordan at Angela and Peter's engagement party — while talking about Angela's lawsuit against Richard and Lance, they are enjoying each other's company — was shortened in post-production to a short segment, a view from Richard's perspective, with hardly audible parts of dialog.
Editing mistake in this episode's cliffhanger: Melissa's reaction when Robin passes out after Angela's revelation about Cole being the father of Robin's baby comes from different takes. This becomes apparent because the far shot features Melissa reaching over to Cole from the side of the frame. After the cut to her close-up, however, she is first sitting still, but then starts to react the same way all over — opening her mouth and grabbing at Cole's arm.
Again, this is the typical mistake caused by the particular close-up filming technique — check # 001 (Chase and Maggie at the Gioberti Family Cemetery) for details.

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