# 089 <4.21> Recriminations
(revised 09/09/2024)
Tentative title: Reconciliations.
The wooded glen in the Tuscany Valley where Greg and Melissa are riding and where Melissa and Cole finally get married is located on the Disney Ranch (Golden Oak Ranch) outside Santa Clarita, CA.
Allusion to the movie industry: Melissa says she feels like KATHARINE ROSS in "The Graduate" — "kidnapped" from her own wedding.
Deleted scene: Act 1 included a night scene in the Gioberti House master bedroom before Cole's arrival: Chase and Maggie are talking about how Melissa was left standing at the altar; Maggie says her heart goes out to her.
The scene in the Gioberti House kitchen with Chase and Maggie began with Alma Miller and Joseph being present. This initial part was removed in post-production, and LESLEY WOODS remained unseen in the entire episode.
Compared with seasons 1 and 2, a new filming location is used as the Agretti Residence in this episode as well as in # 091 and 098. This episode, however, features interior scenes (foyer, stairway and living room) only.
This second location is also a privately owned home in Pasadena, CA.
 Mistake: When Cole and Joseph are about to leave the Gioberti House for their fishing trip, Maggie pokes Joseph and makes him laugh. He is smiling in the far shot. In the very next frame (his close-up), he looks serious though.
In the usual process of making a movie or a TV show, scenes are shot at least twice — as a wide angle shot and in close-up, which bears the risk of inconsistencies. Compare # 001 (Chase and Maggie at the Gioberti Family Cemetery) for the advantages and disadvantages of this shooting procedure.
 Mistake: When Melissa puts the box with her wedding dress down on the coffee table in the Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion living room, Angela leans forward to reach into the box in the shot to her back. In the very next frame filmed from across, she is sitting straight up though and pulls up the torn dress without leaning to get it.
This is a mistake caused by the particular filming technique — check # 001 (Chase and Maggie at the Gioberti Family Cemetery) for details.
The director's cut of this episode contained the following scenes, which were deleted:
- Melissa comes to the Gioberti House to see Joseph. Maggie tells her that Cole has gone camping with him. Melissa replies that Cole better not try to prevent her from seeing Joseph. If he does not honor her visitation rights they agreed upon, he will find himself in court.
- In his KRDC office, Richard is warned by Pamela not to trust Cassandra. She says he should not let his hormones affect his judgment. She feels that Cass has hidden motives.
The bend at the Reardon Ranch is located behind stage 4 on the backlot of CBS-MTM (now RADFORD STUDIO CENTER). It was used for different purposes in # 073 and 084 (see there) and will be used for various other purposes in future episodes; see # 113, 121, 135, 137, 148, 172, 174, 176, 180, 191, 192, 196, 207 and 213.
The shot of San Francisco at dawn — a helicopter view over Financial District and the Golden Gate Bridge in the mist in the background (filmed in northwestern direction) — is stock footage from a film library.
 The restaurant interior set in the scene with Pamela and Lorraine (obviously not Cyrano's this time) is the same set as the one used as the tasting room in the Falcon Crest Winery Building and as Cyrano's (compare # 079). Different set dressing is an easy way to cut down production costs. In this episode, however, the set dressers did not even bother exchanging the chairs from the Winery Building's tasting room.
Uncredited extra PAUL VAN appears in his usual rôle as the mustached Tuscany Valley doctor again — this time at the San Francisco restaurant where Lorraine and Pamela meet.
Compare # 227 for biographical details about this minor rôle and a list of all his appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 001.
Uncredited extra IAN BRUCE participates again as the chestnut-haired guy with a receding hairline — this episode as a patron at the restaurant in San Francisco where Pamela and Lorraine meet.
Compare # 227 for a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 022.
The filming location for the Tuscany Valley Airport is the Whiteman Airport in Pacoima, CA in this episode.
N4076Z is the license number of the plane in which Connie Gianinni arrives in the Tuscany Valley. It is a 1981 Piper PA-31-350 Chieftain plane. The U.S. registration was the real number at the time of filming; the plane still exists, but has been under a new registration in Australia since 1989.
The segment with the arrival of Mary Gianinni's casket is filmed in a way to create the illusion that it was unloaded from the plane while it actually was not because the plane's baggage compartment is too small for a casket.
The hearse that takes Mary Gianinni's casket from the airport to the cemetery is a black 1968 Cadillac Miller-Meteor Landau Traditional Funeral Coach.
Deleted scene: The act 3 opener was supposed to continue the preceding scene with Chase, Maggie and Connie at the Tuscany Valley Airport: Connie climbs into the waiting limousine while Maggie and Chase talk about Sam and Mary's wish for Connie to take over the Gianinni Winery one day. Chase mentions that Connie studied enology in Paris. This scene was removed in post-production, leaving the final version without any reference to details about Connie's years at university.
The Tuscany Valley lake in the camping scene with Cole and Joseph is portrayed by the lagoon at CBS-MTM STUDIOS (now RADFORD STUDIO CENTER), which had been built as an exterior set for the TV show "Gilligan's Island". In 1995, the lagoon was removed from the backlot. The lagoon building (an office structure named after the lagoon) sits now where the lagoon used to be.
It will be used again in # 113, 124, 131, 135, 144, 146, 152, 153, 163, 168 and 188 (see there).
LORIMAR's original map of this part of the studio lot is available for DFCF members in the Show – Production Office – Filming Locations – Movie Studios – Exterior Sets section.
# 061 and 074 already gave some misleading information on Joseph's age, but this episode is even worse: Cole says Joseph is four. Inconsistency: As Joseph was born in # 025, he cannot be older than two now. Another reference in # 160, however, will make the confusion perfect.
The library at Greg's ranch (featured in this episode and # 091) is the real library in the home portraying the Agretti Residence in the current episode.
The Gianinni family cemetery in the Tuscany Valley is located on the Disney Ranch (Golden Oak Ranch) outside Santa Clarita, CA.
License plate number of Father Bob's blue 1984 Dodge Aries (K-Series): 1FID658.
This, by the way, is the very same picture car previously used as Padgett's automobile (compare # 071).
The establishing shot of San Francisco's Financial District is an aerial view filmed in western direction.
Uncredited extra DOUGLAS MAIDA appears as Dave in this episode again — as usual, as a Tuscany Downs Turf Club waiter.
Compare # 224 for biographical details about this minor rôle and a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 034.
During Melissa and Cole's wedding ceremony, it is revealed that Cole's middle name is Hartford, his mother's maiden name. Inconsistency: In # 026 (see there), his name was just Cole Gioberti according to his passport.
Mistake: During Melissa and Cole's wedding, Greg and Cole are standing very close in the full shot at the beginning. Although the following close-ups are not always immediately subsequent frames, it is striking how Greg's position changes. In Greg's close-up, he seems to be quite far away from the actual wedding ceremony; i.e. at a slight angle in front of the tree that can be seen in the background in the early wide angle shot (compare screen captures 1 and 2), so Cole is nowhere near him in Greg's close-up. When the camera is on Cole and Melissa later, Greg is a bit closer to Cole again, but not as close as in the beginning of the scene; yet not as far away and near the tree as before (compare screen grab 3). When the scene cuts to Greg during Melissa and Cole's kiss, he seems to be standing all by himself in front of said tree again (screen capture 4) while, in the subsequent close-up of Chase, Greg is now standing in front of Chase and right next to Cole again (screen grab 5).
Again, this is the typical mistake caused by the particular filming technique — check # 001 (Chase and Maggie at the Gioberti Family Cemetery) for details.
 Another mistake of the same kind happens in the scene with Lorraine and Richard in his KRDC office: When he asks her if she is pregnant, only his head is turned to face her completely; his body is still angled to the side. But in the very next frame, after he asks her again, he is now completely turned and facing her.
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