# 085 <4.17> Acid Tests
(revised 05/06/2024)
The establishing shot of the Falcon Crest Winery Building at the beginning of this episode is from an unused take of the respective scene in # 076. Since many scenes needed several takes, the editors got a lot of "superfluous" footage, which they could sometimes easily use in parts as establishing clips.
 Mistake: In the scene when Cole packs the Champagne bottles into boxes to dispose of them, it is not WILLIAM R. MOSES' arm in the close-up. The close-up was filmed separately, using a stand-in to save time.
This becomes apparent because of the dark hair on the arm in the close-up — BILLY MOSES has bright blond hair.
Inside joke: Cole is on the phone with a Champagne customer named Ahern. The name is "borrowed" from second assistant director NEIL AHERN.
Early script drafts contained a scene in which Lance and Lorraine secretly meet on a quiet street in order to go to the Bridgewater Hotel, which is overlooking the San Francisco Bay. Prop requirements suggested two unknown cars for them: A rental car for Lorraine so she can cover her tracks; an unknown car for Lance since his Porsche was impounded by the police. This scene was omitted.
Cameraman's mistake just like in # 083: At the beginning of the scene with Maggie, Chase, Cole and Alma Miller in the Gioberti House bedroom, the camera is pulled too far back from the set. For that reason, it becomes apparent that the wall behind Chase and Maggie's bed is missing. The set has movable walls to accommodate any production requirements.
 The picture of a rural house on the wall in the Gioberti House upstairs hallway across the door to the master bedroom is the same prop as the picture in the San Francisco clinic where Lance and Lori took Joseph for the paternity test in # 031.
It has been hanging in the Gioberti House since the beginning of this season, but is visible in detail for the first time in the current episode.
Real-life allusion: Terry mentions the Kentucky Derby, a real event.
Uncredited extra DOUGLAS MAIDA appears as Dave in this episode again — as usual, as a Tuscany Downs Turf Club waiter.
Compare # 224 for biographical details about this minor rôle and a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 034.
Lorraine was in room 701 at the Bridgewater Hotel with Lance. After the previous corresponding scene was omitted, this is only referenced in dialog between Pamela and Lorraine.
Mike Harris says he will live at the Dorchester Hotel in London — a real hotel.
Fictional entity: Charlotte stays at the Kincora Hotel in Santa Monica, CA.
Real-life allusion: Richard mentions QUEEN ELIZABETH II.
The establishing shot of Los Angeles is stock footage from a film library and features Downtown. The camera faces south.
 Alexander Nikoláou's yacht (screen grab 2) is portrayed by the Mauretania, a vessel built by JOHN TRUMPY & SONS in 1947 in a classic 1930's style design under the original name Marylin. The yacht's name was changed by a later owner in 1977. She was originally built for the U.S. east coast and mainly berthed in Florida before it was transported to California in 1979. The yacht is 80 feet long, was technically updated between 1989 and 1990 and is usually berthed in San Pedro, CA nowadays. She has often been rented by entertainment companies for filming.
At the time of filming, she was berthed in Marina Del Rey, CA.
Just as a side note, the yacht was seen on the show before as a backdrop (screen capture 1) — in # 032, when Phillip's small yacht was featured, the Mauretania was berthed next to it.
 In the shot of Alexander Nikoláou's yacht from the outside, he and Chase are sitting in a different angle from the one seen in the subsequent interior scene.
Chase mentions Jacqueline and Alexander Nikoláou were married for 10 years; according to # 084, it was during the time when Chase was in high school and college, i.e.: in the 1950's because, as widely known, Chase was born in 1939 and went to the Air Force Academy in 1958. Inconsistency: Giving respect to Phillip's research about Jacqueline's husbands (see # 012) — in which Alexander remained unmentioned — the only period of time for Jacqueline and Alexander's marriage can be between 1951 and 1958. But this is not a period of ten years. Chase's estimation was rather inaccurate.
Very detailed family trees straightening out problems like this are available here.
License plate number of Chase's white 1984 Lincoln Town Car (a rental car) in Los Angeles: 1JTA841.
Alexander Nikoláou's car is a black stretched 1983 Cadillac Fleetwood Limousine. Its license plate number is 1AHV145.
In the exterior scene when Chase is kidnapped, there is a reflection of a member of the filming crew on the door of the limousine.
The filming location for the kidnapping scene is a parking lot in downtown Alhambra, a community in Greater Los Angeles.
The theater where Chase is taken to secretly meet Alexander is actually located in Alhambra, CA, too.
Inside joke: Alexander's assistants in the scenes with Chase are called Robert (on the yacht) and David (at the theater). They are named after ROBERT FOXWORTH and DAVID OPATOSHU.
Camellias are Emma's favorite flowers.
Cameraman's mistake: On Maggie's rental car, a beige Mercury Marquis, there is a reflection of the camera's lights for a short moment (yellow arrow). A short moment later, the shadow of a crew member stepping out of the picture can be noticed (red arrow).
Edited scene: Maggie and Charlotte's farewell scene at the park was longer in the director's cut: Towards the end of the scene, they discuss Angela's knowing about Charlotte's gambling addiction. In the end, Charlotte gives Maggie a birthday present: Her bracelet, which was a gift from Oliver. That part of the scene was cut in post-production.
The filming location for the San Francisco yacht harbor where Emma and Jean-Louis go for a walk is the Marina Del Rey harbor.

Maggie and Chase stay in room 2225 at the Bonaventure Hotel in L.A. This is obvious due to the establishing shot even though the name of the hotel is not mentioned explicitly.
Early script drafts contained a scene with Maggie, Richard and Alma Miller in the Gioberti House: Richard tries to persuade Maggie to return to his radio station. This scene was omitted.
Uncredited extra SHARRI ZAK appears as the gray-haired Tuscany Valley socialite with the pony tail again; this episode as a patron at Cyrano's.
Compare # 202 for biographical details about this rôle and a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 009.
Uncredited extra LENNART JAKELL appears in this episode again as the distinguished Tuscany Valley gentleman — he apparently works as the maître d' at Cyrano's.
Compare # 227 for a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 016.
Uncredited extra JULIE SALLES participates again as the brunette Tuscany Valley socialite in her 20's — this episode as a patron at Cyrano's.
Compare # 167 for biographical details about this minor rôle and a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 020.
 Uncredited extra SHIRLEY ANTHONY appears as Dr. Lee Walkling again — this time as a patron at Cyrano's; she is wearing a lilac hat.
Compare # 207 for biographical details about this minor rôle and a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 016.
Mistake: In the wide angle shot, Dr. Walkling goes to her table first, but she is suddenly seated already in the subsequent close-up filmed from the other angle.
This is a mistake caused by the particular filming technique — check # 001 (Chase and Maggie at the Gioberti Family Cemetery) for details.
The scene with Maggie entertaining Angela, Emma, Melissa and Terry with coffee and cake at Cyrano's was staged at the Turf Club in early script drafts.
DAVID GUST, the tall, black-haired and mustached uncredited extra, who will be best remembered for his rôle as an assistant district attorney in # 091, 092 and 154, but who also plays different characters in the series, is in the hallway of the Tuscany County Courthouse in this episode.
Compare # 187 for a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 063.
 Mistake: In the courthouse scene with Richard, Maggie and Emma, the shots in the corridor and the courtroom are from various takes that were combined in the editing process. This becomes apparent because Richard is the first one to enter the courtroom in the scene filmed from the corridor, but is the last one to enter in the subsequent frame filmed from inside the courtroom.
This is a mistake caused by the particular filming technique — check # 001 (Chase and Maggie at the Gioberti Family Cemetery) for details.
PETER PAUL EASTMAN (uncredited extra) plays a white-haired gentleman, who is a court spectator at Lance's preliminary hearing in this episode.
Compare # 221 for a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 021.
Uncredited stand-in GORDON HODGINS appears as an extra again — this time in his usual rôle as a Tuscany Valley gentleman at Lance's preliminary hearing at the Tuscany County Courthouse.
Compare # 182 for a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about GORDON HODGINS, compare # 001.
Uncredited extra JACK DOUGLASS appears in this episode again — as a Tuscany Valley County Deputy at the Tuscany County Courthouse.
Compare # 130 for a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 032.
Uncredited extra ROBERT HITCHCOCK appears in this episode again as Mr. Winslow — this time in his day job as one of the assistant district attorneys during Lance's preliminary hearing at the Tuscany County Courthouse.
Compare # 193 for biographical details about this minor rôle and for a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 032.
The shot to establish the Chinatown restaurant in San Francisco where Richard and Holder are dining is stock footage from a film library. It features Grant Avenue (filmed in northern direction) at the intersection with Pacific Avenue.
The filming location for that eatery is the former Don the Beachcomber restaurant in Marina Del Rey, which served as a filming location for two different restaurants in # 032 already.
Season time frame:
According to Richard, they are harvesting in the north valley for his Francesca table wines project.
According to Melissa, she and Cole are going to get married next month. As their wedding seems to be scheduled for the second week in October 1984 (see interpretations in # 088 as well as # 091), it must still be the end of September now.
It is Maggie's birthday — around the end of September.
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