# 079 <4.11> Going Once, Going Twice
(revised 01/13/2025)
Opening scenes:
According to the script, the first scene was to be Julia's arrival in Gustav's house. Whereas an early script draft staged the scene with a slightly drugged Julia in the living room, the revised final draft of the script staged it with a sedated Julia in the "hospital room", while Gustav and Spheeris are looking through the one-way mirror from their observation room. It was only in post-production that this scene was moved to the second position in this episode.
The first scene in the episode's final version — Chase and Maggie in front of the Gioberti House — was scripted as the second scene; a previous script draft spoke of it as a night scene in the living room.
 DICK DUROCK, who plays Gustav's security guard at the "Brookside Hospital" this episode, was the first actor to play Spheeris in # 039 and 040 before the part of Spheeris became well-known in season 3 when the character was portrayed by KEN LETNER.
Also compare # 078 for DICK DUROCK's first acting assignment in the current season and below for his original assignment in this episode.
 The black and white photo of a glass pyramid, which is hanging in the surveillance room in Gustav's house situated behind the one-way mirror to Julia's "hospital room", is the same prop that was used in the KRDC foyer in # 074.
Dialog mistake: Angela tells Chase about judge Stevens; according to her, "he" handles the case of Jasper's will. It was not JANE WYMAN who confused the pronoun in her dialog. Her scene was filmed when the judge's character was supposed to be male. It was only later when the rôle had to be recast and changed from the male version — Robert Stevens — to a female judge, Roberta Stevens. JANE's scene, however, was accidentally not changed.
Scenic art: In this episode, the backdrop in the set of the Tuscany Downs Turf Club is visible behind Richard particularly well. It is a poor painting and recognizable as such because the trees are not moving at all and the backdrop it is pretty light. It is also somewhat irritating that so many trees seem to grow in close proximity to the balcony of the Club House since the balcony is actually supposed to offer a good view of the race track somewhere below.
Real-life allusion: Pamela mentions the CIA.
When Julia is watching Gustav's fake news telling of Angela's hand in her "capture", the picture on the TV is disproportionate to the angle of the screen it is on. The picture itself is displayed from a straight angle whereas the TV is shown slightly from the side. – Obviously the news report was not actually displayed on the TV screen while filming the scene, but added as an insert in post-production.
Kellogue, the Nevada town where Julia stayed with Lucas lately, is, as this episode reveals, situated in Central Valley. The topography is completely fictional; Central Valley in Nevada (as established on the show) is not to be confused with the real Central Valley in California.
Series time frame: In de Bercy's faked TV news at "Brookside Hospital" (actually his home), Julia is said to have been convicted one year ago. This happened in # 046. As # 041 depicted the event around March 1983 and # 051 depicted the events around the beginning of September 1983 (compare there), this rough estimation seems to be correct because it is September 1984 now (see # 076).
Inside joke: Scriptwriter ERNIE WALLENGREN named the "Brookside Hospital" after Brookside (Guasti) Winery in Ontario, CA, which was used for many interior shots of the Falcon Crest Winery Building in seasons 1 and 2 (compare # 001, for instance).
When Maggie asks Terry after Joel's attack if she can call a doctor for her, Terry's dialog was partially muted in post-production. She says: "No, Maggie, I'm fine, really." But LAURA JOHNSON's lips are still moving without sound beyond that sentence. She originally re-confirmed: "I am." It remains a mystery why that part was muted.
In the County Board of Supervisors' meeting, Chase says this (1984) is an election year. This is rather mysterious because this election will never be shown in the series — in contrast to the elections in 1982 (season 1) and 1986 (season 6). Besides, there must have been extraordinary elections in 1982 and 1983 (compare # 020 and 073).
An establishing clip of the Tuscany County Courthouse is used for a Tuscany County Board of Supervisors meeting again as in # 073 (check there for details).
Besides his burgundy Mercedes-Benz 500 SEL (see # 077), Richard also drives a light gray 1979 Aston Martin V8 Volante (Series 1) convertible. License plate number: 2DXO926.
 The shot of Richard near Terry's swimming pool in this season's main title (right screen capture) is from an unused version of the scene in this episode (compare the left screen grab for the version used this episode).
This scene, which later also includes Joel, was originally staged inside Terry's house in early script drafts.
Season time frame: According to Richard, it was last week when Terry pointed the gun at him after confusing him with Joel. That happened in # 078.
Uncredited stand-in GORDON HODGINS appears as an extra again — this time in his usual rôle as a Tuscany Valley gentleman in front of the KRDC building in San Francisco. It is difficult to recognize him because he and a woman who has not been identified yet are extremely close to the camera when they are walking through the frame.
Compare # 182 for a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about GORDON HODGINS, compare # 001.
Early script drafts contained the following scenes, which were omitted during the rewriting process:
- After getting access to Francesca's suite at the Tate Hotel, Pamela waits for her there and — upon Francesca's arrival — requests that she return to the valley. Pamela also mentions she no longer loves Richard. Eventually, Francesca has Pamela ushered out by her bodyguard, Connors.
Actor DICK DUROCK was originally cast in the small rôle of Connors, Francesca's security guard. This would have been the opportunity for the actor to play off his commitment from # 078 (see there), which had not materialized. However, the rôle of Connors was deleted also. The part of Richard's security guard in the current episode was not a real option for the actor either although he will play Richard's gate guard — a speaking rôle — in # 080 (see there) since the producers decided to have Richard's guard played by a local hire in the Napa Valley in the current episode rather than having an actor from L.A. fly to the Wine Country. DICK DUROCK was finally compensated by giving him the non-speaking part of Gustav's security guard in the current episode (see above).
- Angela is having some iced tea with Terry near the Falcon Crest pool. She tells her that she strongly disapproves of Lance's interest in Lorraine. Angela even wishes to have a great grandchild — Lance and Terry's baby. When Terry is gone, Angela tells Chao-Li she hopes that Terry's nature will be enough to persuade Lorraine to part with Lance. This "lost" scene, by the way, explains why Terry knew that Lorraine and Lance would be at Cyrano's in the later scene, which was kept.
The probate hearing about Jasper Gioberti's estate at the Tuscany County Courthouse is filmed at the Alhambra Municipal Court in eastern Los Angeles in the same courtroom that was used in # 057 (see there). This courthouse will also be used for shooting the courtroom scenes in # 085, 091, 092 and 098.
 Lance and Lorraine have dinner at Cyrano's, the restaurant which was first mentioned in # 077 and will be seen very often in the course of this season (in # 082, 090, 091, 092, 093, 095, 097 and 098). It has a few dining rooms with different furniture; one of them with rose tablecloths, another one with blue tablecloths and different chairs. Always the same set, of course.
The restaurant interior set, by the way, is the same set as the one that has been in use as the tasting room in the Falcon Crest Winery Building since # 053. Different set dressing is an easy way to cut down production costs. Also compare # 089.
Inside joke: Pamela mentions one of Richard's security guards named Pomerantz. He is named after SUSAN POMERANTZ, the producers' secretary.
A deleted part of a scene in this episode revealed that Pomerantz is the guard who already eavesdropped on Lance's phone call with Lorraine.
Brenda Jensen from the U.S. Attorney's Office drives a beige 1985 Mercury Marquis.
Early script drafts staged the scene with Brenda Jensen from the U.S. Attorney's Office, Chase and Maggie inside the Gioberti House (and not outside).
It seems a little awkward that the results of the U.S. Attorney's investigation will never be mentioned on the show. It is pretty obvious, however, that the case against Angela was closed due to insufficient evidence in the end.
The San Francisco bank with president Carl Warren was named Security National Bank in early script drafts and Certified National Bank in later scripts. The final version of the episode did not mention any name though.
The filming location for Warren's office is an executive office of the Alhambra Municipal Court, CA.
Uncredited extra DAN COTTER appears in this episode again as the white-haired mustached San Francisco Metropolitan Hospital doctor — this time as a patron at the Tuscany Downs Turf Club.
Compare # 140 for a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 016.
Uncredited extra DOTTY ERTEL appears as the blonde Tuscany Valley socialite again — this time at the Tuscany Downs Turf Club again.
Compare # 131 for biographical details about this minor rôle and a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 073.
First Federated Bank (First City Commercial Bank / First Federated City Bank in earlier script drafts), another San Francisco bank, is mentioned.
Uncredited extra IAN BRUCE participates again as the chestnut-haired guy with a receding hairline — this episode as a betting window cashier at the Tuscany Downs Turf Club.
Compare # 227 for a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 022.
Fictional entity: Cloverfield Downs, another horse race track, is mentioned.
Early script drafts suggested a reference to Bayside Downs known from season 3, but the dialog was changed during script rewriting.
Uncredited extra DOUGLAS MAIDA appears as Dave in this episode again — as usual, as a Tuscany Downs Turf Club waiter.
Compare # 224 for biographical details about this minor rôle and a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 034.
Early script drafts contained a scene at the Gioberti House in the evening before the bids for Francesca's Falcon Crest share are collected: Francesca comes over to Chase and Maggie and says she regrets that she has not met them earlier and has not spent more time with them; she tells them that she thinks they are the only genuine people she met in the valley. This scene was completely changed during the rewriting process. It was remodeled into the night scene with Chase and Maggie in their bedroom when they think about how they came to the valley and what has happened since then.
Deleted scene: Right before the auction at Falcon Crest, Riebmann is on the phone, discussing the delivery of 800,000 barrels of crude to Bremen / Germany when Spheeris enters his office and hands him the check for his bid on Francesca's Falcon Crest share. They briefly discuss Julia, who has started threatening to break out of the "hospital" and kill her mother. This scene was filmed, but removed in post-production.
Francesca's share of Falcon Crest is worth approximately between $ 24 million (lowest bid) and $ 31 million (highest bid). So the total value of Falcon Crest at that time must be between around $ 72 million and $ 93 million (compare # 094).
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