# 064 <3.24> Love's Triumph
(revised 08/12/2024)
Uncredited stand-in MARTHA MANOR appears as an extra again — this time in a brunette wig as a nurse again. She is walking towards the entrance of the Tuscany Valley Hospital. This segment is a previously unfeatured continuation of an establishing clip whose beginning was first presented in # 041. In previous edits of this clip, MARTHA was cut away. For another appearance in this episode, see below.
Compare # 213 for a list of her appearances throughout the series.
For details about MARTHA MANOR, compare # 001.
Real-life allusion: Padgett used to be with the Secret Service and the Green Berets.
A poster with an artwork by American artist SUSAN PEAR MEISEL (born 1947) — "The Washington Monument" — can be seen in another hallway at the Tuscany Valley Hospital.
The same prop was already used in different areas of the Tuscany Valley Hospital in # 041, 048 and 059.
In the same hallway at the Tuscany Valley Hospital, a reproduction (art print) of the 1888 "Sunflowers" painting ("Tournesols"; oil on canvas) from the still life series by the same name by VINCENT VAN GOGH (1853 – 1890) is hanging on the wall. It is the same prop that was used in Melissa's hospital room in # 059; see there for details about the original.
Early script drafts contained a scene in the waiting area at the Tuscany Valley Hospital at the beginning of act 2: Linda, Cole and Terry try to keep up Chase's spirits. Linda surprises Chase — and particularly Cole — when she says their children are going to need their grandmother; being questioned, she says she and Cole are planning and trying to have children. Considering Maggie's struggle for survival in the OR, Terry's comment that "a little new life is just what we need" is a terrible faux-pas. This scene was omitted.
 Post-production mistake: As in # 051 and 055, 1982 stock footage of the Tuscany Valley Hospital is reused. The sign still reads Tuscany Valley Memorial Hospital. Signs saying Tuscany Valley Hospital have usually been used for that purpose since the beginning of this season (compare the screen captures in # 041).
The establishing shot of San Francisco is a southeastern aerial view over Financial District as well as the Oakland Bay Bridge in the background.
Fictional entity: Richard sells shares of the New Globe through a brokerage firm called Shepard & Barr.
 The filming location for the interiors of the St. Timothy Church of Tuscany Valley where Angela lights the votive candles is St. Brendan's, a Roman-Catholic church in Los Angeles. The St. Timothy name will not be mentioned until # 066.
Product placement: A cardiac monitor by Datamedix (model Guardian) can be seen in the OR at the Tuscany Valley Hospital.
Episode time frame: Maggie's surgery starts at 7:04 AM. The clock in the OR says 3:33 PM in the last close-up. As the surgery is not over yet at this point of time, it will take more than eight and a half hours in the end. Strangely enough, Chases speaks of only six hours.
Inside joke: Lapins, the cartel's electronic lab technician, is named after the show's production coordinator, ANDREA LAPINS.
The filming location for the parking lot in the San Francisco park where Pamela meets Crane and Spheeris is the southern parking lot between Crystal Springs Drive and Griffith Park Drive in Griffith Park in Los Angeles (near the Wilson and Harding Golf Courses).
License plate number of Pamela's gray 1978 Chevrolet Camaro RS: 436 XEB — the same as on Chase and Maggie's light ivory Mercedes-Benz 300 TD since season 2 — a negligent way to save prop budget.
DAVID GUST, the tall, black-haired and mustached uncredited extra, who will be best remembered for his rôle as an assistant district attorney in # 091, 092 and 154, but who will also play different characters in the series, appears as a Tuscany Valley Hospital doctor in this episode.
Compare # 187 for a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 063.
When Cole angrily picks up Joseph from Melissa at Falcon Crest at night, the scene was supposed to continue on the Victorian Mansion veranda according to early script drafts: Due to her guilt complex, Linda is in favor of granting Melissa more visits with Joseph while Cole strongly opposes. This segment was omitted in the final version of the episode.
Uncredited stand-in MARTHA MANOR appears as an extra for a second time in this episode — this time as a Tuscany Valley Hospital nurse again. For her earlier appearance in this episode, see above.
Compare # 213 for a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about MARTHA MANOR, compare # 001.
Uncredited extra PHIL PRENTICE appears in this episode again as the Tuscany Valley doctor with a receding hairline — this time at his place of work again when Maggie is taken to the ICU.
Compare # 132 for a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 003.
Uncredited extra ERNIE TATE participates in this episode again as the mustached Tuscany Valley doctor with graying hair — visible at the entrance of the Tuscany Valley Hospital.
Compare # 124 for a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 004.
Uncredited extra DOUGLAS MAIDA appears as Dave in this episode again — apparently arriving for duty at his place of work, the Tuscany Valley Hospital.
Compare # 224 for biographical details about this minor rôle and a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 034.
Early script drafts staged Lillian's farewell scene with Terry in Michael's home (stairway and foyer) instead of in front of the Tuscany Valley Hospital.
An aerial view of downtown San Francisco is shown with the New Globe in the center. This is the continuation of the helicopter sequence from this season's main title (before DAVID SELBY's card).
Towards the end of the clip, the camera zooms on the New Globe. It is the first establishing shot of the Matson Building on Market Street in San Francisco as a part of the New Globe building complex. This particular high-rise will be used much more often for New Globe establishing clips from season 6 on (compare # 135).
Product placement: An issue of the real American Woman magazine is in the wall-mounted magazine holder in the anteroom to Richard's New Globe office.
Despite LORIMAR's "new wardrobe for new season" policy, this episode, Lance wears a shirt he already wore in season 2 (in # 023 — screen grab 1 — and in # 027).
 Improvisation by LORENZO LAMAS and ANA ALICIA: On his way out in Phillip's winery, Lance uses his clipboard to slap Melissa on her butt, which causes her to chuckle. It was not scripted and a spontaneous decision by LORENZO to add this; neither was ANA ALICIA's reaction in the script. The director, however, liked it, so it was kept in the final version.
Early script drafts contained a scene in the waiting area at the Tuscany Valley Hospital in act 4: Angela and Phillip come to see Chase and — not only to his dismay, but also to Cole and Linda's — make the insensitive proposal that Angie could run Falcon Crest all alone to make things easier on Chase while Maggie is hospitalized. This scene was omitted.
The scenes with Pamela on her way to Tuscany Downs — the car chase with Spheeris and Intlekofer on Highway 29 in the Tuscany Valley — are filmed in Griffith Park in Los Angeles. They are montages of several segments of various parts of roads.
The first segment with Pamela's car and the final segment after her abduction are from Griffith Park Drive just north of where Mineral Wells Road forks off (parallel to Bypass Trail) — the same location that was used in # 036 (Julia, Melissa, Chase and Cole) shortly before Julia's "accident".
The parts on the curved area of the road when Spheeris and Intlekofer's Chrysler comes very close to Pamela's Chevrolet are from Griffith Park Drive west of the turnoff to Mount Hollywood Drive.
License plate number of Spheeris and Intlekofer's black 1982 Chrysler New Yorker Fifth Avenue: 1CZO923. The same license plate number was on Spheeris' white Imperial in # 057.
Prop error: The license plate is missing in almost any of the segments of the car chase. It is only attached to the front bumper in the close-up.
The filming location for the explosion of Pamela's car — a path near Highway 29 in the Tuscany Valley — is near a distinct rock formation on the 3-Mile Trail close to the junction at Mount Hollywood Drive in Griffith Park in Los Angeles.
Both Highway Patrol cars are 1979 Dodge St. Regis vehicles.
The fire truck in the background, by the way, is the same 1981 Chevrolet K-30 that was seen at Linda and Melissa's accident site at the beginning of # 059.
Season time frame:
According to Jacqueline's last will and testament (# 047), Chase and Richard were to obtain the $ 50 million she left them "at the end of the year". Richard now receiving the message the money was sent to the Convent Sainte-Marthe, it must be around the beginning of January 1984. This is in accordance with the clothes: Angela wears a coat with a fur in the current episode as she did in # 062.
The clause in Jacqueline's will is rather odd because she did not know when she would die. If she had died on Dec 30, for instance, Richard would have been granted only one day to make friends with Chase. It is rather improbably this was her serious aim.
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