# 058 <3.18> Changing Times
(revised 10/07/2024)
Season time frame:
The first horse race at Tuscany Downs is scheduled to be in nine weeks. Compare: The opening festivities of the race track will be in # 065; also see # 060.
Since # 057 when Lance was beaten up by Chao-Li on his own request, some time must have gone by because Lance's injuries healed well.
The establishing clip of the Golden Gate Bridge with the city in the background (filmed towards southeast) is previously unused footage, which was taken during the season 1 filming in San Francisco.
For the rôles of the reporters (in Richard's office), VIRGINIA COOK and MARK VOLAND, who finally won them, were not the only actors to audition. Others included BETTY McIVER, ALEX DANIELS, JOHN MOODY and SCOTT REINIGER (finally the driver giving Julia a ride in # 065).
Cast and crew background: Actor DANNY NERO appears right next to MARK VOLAND (the reporter) in Richard's New Globe office as a press photographer. As an extra in this episode, he remains uncredited. He is the son of actress KATHRYN JANSSEN, who appeared many times as an extra in the series; compare # 021 for details about her part on the show and # 215 for a list of all her appearances throughout "Falcon Crest".
The curly haired blonde played by uncredited extra BETTY JEANNE GLENNIE is among the inmates at the California Hospital for the Criminally Insane now.
Compare # 175 for biographical details about this minor rôle and a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 015.
For the rôle of Lucille, Julia's fellow inmate at the California State Hospital for the Criminally Insane, NOMI MITTI, who finally won it, was not the only actress to audition. Others included NANCY JERIS and BARBARA BARRON.
For the rôle of the nurse at the California State Hospital for the Criminally Insane, CASEY KRAMER, who finally won it, was not the only actress to audition. Others included LAINIE FICHERA and LYNNE STEWART.
Real-life allusion: After Julia quoted SHAKESPEARE in # 054, she now recites a rubai (Persian rhyme consisting of four lines) by the Persian poet UMAR-I KHAYYAM. The version she recites is a translated or rather recreated rhyme by EDWARD FITZGERALD from around the middle of the 19th century:
Fill up your cup, and in the fires of spring
Your winter garment of repentance fling:
For the bird of time has but a little way
To flutter — and the bird is on the wing.
The driveway to Richard's house on Hilltop Road and the garage is different from the one last seen in # 050. The grayish-brown native stone walls of the exteriors of the garage and house only shown in this particular scene are also different from the home shown in previous episodes. A privately owned Los Angeles home in the Los Feliz area now stands in for the Napa Valley estate, which was used in episodes # 048 through # 050.
The gate shown in # 049 and 050 (see there), however, is on the backlot of THE BURBANK STUDIOS (nowadays WARNER BROS. STUDIOS).
Melissa wears the dress from # 020 again; compare # 054 for details.
The van of the Tuscany Valley Catering company is a white 1975 Ford Econoline.
The company's phone number is (707) 555-4381.
Actor RON BOOTH was originally cast in the small rôle of the Tuscany Valley Catering employee speaking briefly to Michael when he enters his home. The scene was re-shot with actor SCOTT LEE EIDSON. Another actor auditioning for the part was MICHAEL McCABE.
The picture hanging above the fireplace mantle in Michael and Terry's bedroom in the McKay House is the same prop that has already been used in the Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion before: It was in Angela's bedroom in season 1 and has been in use in Lance and Melissa's bedroom since # 030 (see there). Even the frame is still the same. Using the picture at the same time during season 3 in Lance and Melissa's bedroom as well as in Michael and Terry's bedroom (the same set anyway) gives evidence how fast and economically the crew had to do the redresses. The picture was also used to dress Richard's Whitewood Industries office in New York City in # 019 (see there).
Product placement: Lance mentions the "Who Is Who" encyclopedia.
Uncredited stand-in GORDON HODGINS appears as an extra again — this time in his usual rôle as a Tuscany Valley gentleman at Michael and Terry's housewarming.
Compare # 182 for a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about GORDON HODGINS, compare # 001.
 Uncredited extra ERNIE TATE appears in this episode again — this time as a mustached Tuscany Valley doctor with graying hair at Michael's housewarming.
Compare # 124 for a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 004.
Director's mistake: During Michael's conversation with Chase, ERNIE TATE is visible in both directions — behind Michael when the camera focuses on him and behind Chase in the reverse angle.
 This episode marks the first appearance of uncredited extra TONI SCHABER, an American background actress, active between the late 1970's and mid-1990's.
She portrays a curly haired platinum blonde, who appears at many social events in the Tuscany Valley. In this epsiode, she is a guest at the ball at Michael's house.
Compare # 217 for a list of appearances throughout the series.
Uncredited extra SHARRI ZAK appears as the gray-haired Tuscany Valley socialite with the pony tail again; this episode as a guest at Michael's housewarming.
Compare # 202 for biographical details about this rôle and a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 009.
Uncredited extra ROBERTA STORM appears in this episode again as Mrs. Winslow — this time at Michael's housewarming.
Compare # 219 for biographical details about this minor rôle and a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 035.
Uncredited extra PHIL PRENTICE appears in this episode again as the Tuscany Valley doctor with a receding hairline — this time as a guest at Michael's housewarming, dancing with Mrs. Winslow, the nurse who also works at the Tuscany Valley Hospital (uncredited extra ROBERTA STORM; see the following paragraph).
Compare # 132 for a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 003.
PETER PAUL EASTMAN (uncredited extra) plays a white-haired gentleman, who is a guest at Michael and Terry's housewarming in this episode.
Compare # 221 for a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 021.
The filming location for Linda and Melissa's car crash is actually in Griffith Park in Los Angeles. The exact site is located on Griffith Park Drive, a little west of what is nowadays Shane's Inspiration near a triangular traffic island. The section of the road north of the traffic island is featured in both directions while Linda is driving. The actual crash site — camera facing north while the car is heading south — is the unpaved area west and south of the aforementioned traffic island.
Both ANA ALICIA and MARY KATE McGEEHAN are replaced by stunt doubles in the crash.
STEPHEN BLACK and HENRY STERN, who have served as (executive) script consultants and written several episodes, leave the crew after a dispute on the set. They will return as co-producers only in season 8. This episode, as their last one for the time being, and # 184, as their first new episode, are both entitled "Changing Times".
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