# 045 <3.05> Judge and Jury
(revised 04/08/2024)
In the episode title (opening credit), the letter "A" is flip-flopped — in contrast to the regular design of the "A" in the Benguiat Book italics (e.g. compare # 044).
Cameraman's mistake: In a scene on the driveway in front of the Falcon Crest Winery Building, the microphone can be seen in a reflection on the rear window of Chase and Maggie's Mercedes-Benz.
Product placement: Cole wears a shirt by Polo Ralph Lauren.
 The montage of exterior and interior shots becomes pretty obvious in this episode: Chase, Maggie and Cole enter the Falcon Crest Winery Building (exteriors filmed at Spring Mountain). In the next moment, they step into the barrel room (interiors filmed at Inglenook). That particular building (erected in 1973) was situated across the historic Inglenook Stone Château and demolished in 2008.
License plate number of Richard's new 1980 silver Rolls-Royce Silver Spirit I: 624 XUY.
In the scene with Richard and John Osborne, it becomes apparent that the McKay Vineyards — or at least parts of them — are situated quite near the original 50 acres of Falcon Crest. These scenes were also shot in the vineyards at Stags' Leap (see # 043, 049, 050 and 051).
The shot of Emma on the Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion terrace in this season's main title (right screen capture) is from an unused version of the scene in this episode (compare the left screen grab for the version used this episode).
Edited scene: The segment with Maggie and Chase in the Falcon Crest Copperage was initially longer. Before Michael arrives, Maggie shows Chase the winery's accounting statements from the time when he was in the hospital. He wants to know how she got access to them. She replies that she strongly demanded Angela give them to her, or else she will have their attorney take care of the matter. Chase ist equally impressed and amused about Maggie's strength. This initial part of the scene was removed in post-production.
The real coat of arms of the Spring Mountain Winery is on the main door to the Falcon Crest Winery Building. The "Spring Mountain" name was covered with the "Falcon Crest" name for the series — now in capital letters in contrary to last season's prop (compare # 019).
The shot of Cole on the driveway in front of the Falcon Crest Winery Building in this season's main title (right screen capture) is from an unused version of the scene in this episode (compare the left screen grab for the version used this episode).
The curly haired blonde played by uncredited extra BETTY JEANNE GLENNIE is among the inmates in the Tuscany County Jail again in this episode. She has been there since # 041.
Compare # 175 for biographical details about this minor rôle and a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 015.
When Chase tries to walk without his crutches for the first time in the vineyard, he falls down to the soil, which covers his shirt with dust; but in the close-up, it becomes apparent that his shirt has already been dirty before he takes the fall — contrary to the wide angle shot (see yellow arrows). Obviously, this particular sequence was filmed several times without the shirt being changed. The most obvious mistake is that the shoulder is covered with dirt although Chase did not fall on his shoulder. The wide angle shot also shows a different take of the fall from the one in the close-up.
In the sneak preview, however, the shirt has been covered with dirt even in the wide angle shot (see red arrow).
In the usual process of making a movie or a TV show, scenes are shot at least twice — as a wide angle shot and in close-up, which bears the risk of inconsistencies. Compare # 001 (Chase and Maggie at the Gioberti Family Cemetery) for the advantages and disadvantages of this shooting procedure.
The scene with Richard and Melissa in bed at the McKay House originally ended with Pamela entering with business news for Richard and Melissa being in rage about that intrusion into their privacy. That part was edited for the final version that went on the air.
 The hardware store on Market Street in Tuscany where Cole shops is Mission Hardware. It was a real Sonoma business in the days of filming.
Nowadays, the building houses a souvenir shop by the name of The Corner Store.
The filming location for the terrace of the Tuscany Café where Maggie and Emma have lunch is the Fairview Deck of the Silverado Country Club in Napa, CA (compare # 041 for details about this resort).
The scene with Chase in the vineyard is from Flora Springs, a property in St. Helena, CA.
Mistake: In the various frames of Chase practicing walking, his crutches are sometimes lying in front of him in the vineyard, sometimes behind him.
This is a mistake caused by the particular close-up filming technique — check # 001 (Chase and Maggie at the Gioberti Family Cemetery) for details.
In early script drafts, Phillip mentions to Angela that John Osborne checked into the Fremont Hotel in San Francisco. This hotel name was omitted in the final script; never will any hotel by this name be mentioned throughout the series.
The filming location for the restaurant in San Francisco where Michael has a meeting with Osborne is the bar of what used to be Perino's on Wilshire Boulevard in Los Angeles. Compare # 044 for a different use of this location (dining room as Opera Café).
The script originally suggested the Top of the Mark, the rooftop bar at the Mark Hopkins Hotel in San Francisco, for this scene. This idea did not materialize though.
PETER PAUL EASTMAN (uncredited extra) portrays the maître d' at the San Francisco restaurant where Michael and Osborne meet in this episode.
Compare # 221 for a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 021.
 Mistake: In the scene with Richard and Chase at the Gioberti Estate, there is suddenly a gladiolus on Jacqueline's grave in the close-up while that kind of flower was nowhere to be seen in the wide angle shot.
While the long shot was filmed for the current episode, the close-up is reused footage from the funeral scene in # 041. The editors were not very careful in post-production.
Mistake: For the night scene with Chase and Maggie in bed, an old establishing shot of the Gioberti House is reused; it features their Ford LTD Country Squire on the driveway although they replaced it with the Mercedes-Benz 300 TD after season 1. A wrong clip was selected in post-production.
While being played by JAMES VICTOR in seasons 1 and 2, Falcon Crest vineyard foreman Paul Espinoza is now portrayed by ED VASQUERIAN.
Early script drafts contained an act 3 breakfast scene with Angela, Lance and Melissa on the Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion veranda. Phillip arrives and tells them that Julia's anger about Maggie's visit the day before and his previous night's talk to Julia in jail might have changed her mind and that she seems to be willing to help in her own defense now. While Angela is puzzled, Melissa is troubled her and Richard's scheme might no longer work. This scene was dropped.
The scene with Richard and Emma in his New Globe office was originally staged in the newspaper's press room in early script drafts. This was changed to avoid expensive location shots.
In the more dangerous parts of the scene with the sabotaged drainage lid breaking loose in the Falcon Crest Cooparage, ROBERT FOXWORTH, WILLIAM R. MOSES and SUSAN SULLIVAN are all replaced by stunt doubles.
The shot of Richard sitting in his New Globe office in this season's main title (right screen capture) is from an unused version of the scene in this episode (compare the left screen grab for the version used this episode).
 Director's mistake: In the interior scene at the Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion entranceway, Angela is on the left and some steps ahead of Phillip. In the subsequent exterior scene, however, she is to Phillip's right. The interior scenes were shot on the sound stage weeks after the exteriors had been done at Spring Mountain. The director was slightly negligent.
The Napa Valley Courthouse is used as the Tuscany County Courthouse again. The stairway and hallway are featured for the first time.
Courtroom A known from # 042 is used for shooting this episode again. The same courtroom will be used for # 046, too.
 The injury LORENZO LAMAS sustained from a run-in with a stubborn horse on 06/17/1983 (compare # 042) is still noticeable: Although the make-up artists concealed the stitches on his lower lip quite well, it is clearly visible that it is very swollen on its right side. This scene was shot 06/18/1983, the day after the accident.
Uncredited extra KATHRYN BRYAN HAMPTON appears as Kathy, a Tuscany Valley inhabitant, again — this time in the courtroom at Julia's trial.
Compare # 165 for a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 020.
 Mistake: In the courtroom scene at the end of the episode, Chase's looks straight towards the judge's bench first, but has his head turned towards Maggie in the subsequent frame filmed from the side.
In the usual process of making a movie or a TV show, scenes are shot at least twice — as a wide angle shot and in close-up, which bears the risk of inconsistencies. Compare # 001 (Chase and Maggie at the Gioberti Family Cemetery) for the advantages and disadvantages of this shooting procedure.
In early script drafts, the original episode cliffhanger had Melissa be the first to comfort Angela in the courtroom by embracing her and saying she is sorry while she actually has a malevolent smile on her lips, knowing that her revenge is complete. This idea was dropped.
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