# 042 <3.02> Penumbra
(revised 05/06/2024)
 This season, an extraordinary number of downtown Tuscany (Market Street) scenes comes from location filming in the city of Sonoma (1st Street East); more scenes with that location will be featured in # 043, 045, 048 and 052. Parts of these scenes will be reused as establishing clips in later episodes.
A blue-gray 1981 Datsun 310 (type N10) is driving by in front of the Tuscany Valley Hospital. Its license plate is 963 XUJ, the same number that is usually mounted on Angela's light beige Mercedes-Benz 380 SL Convertible — not an appropriate prop policy to reduce production cost.
Uncredited extra PAUL VAN appears in his usual rôle as the mustached Tuscany Valley doctor again — this time in his doctor's coat in front of the Tuscany Valley Hospital.
Compare # 227 for biographical details about this minor rôle and a list of all his appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 014.
Uncredited stand-in GORDON HODGINS appears as an extra again — this time in his usual rôle as a Tuscany Valley gentleman in front of the Tuscany Valley Hospital.
Compare # 182 for a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about GORDON HODGINS, compare # 001.
The black / beige Buick LeSabre (check # 013 for details), a well known car, is on the parking lot of the Tuscany Valley Hospital.
 Mistake: In the scene with Nick and Sheila, the close-ups are from various takes that were combined in the editing process. This becomes apparent because Nick's fingers are in a different position in the subsequent frames.
This is a mistake caused by the particular close-up filming technique — check # 001 (Chase and Maggie at the Gioberti Family Cemetery) for details.
Linda drives a blue-gray 1983 Ford Mustang III Coupé.
 In this episode, the Falcon Crest Stables are portrayed by the bigger one of the two stables at the Wild Horse Valley Ranch outside Napa, CA.
The smaller stables usually portray the Falcon Crest Stables (compare # 025 and 077).
While filming this scene at the stables on 06/17/1983, an accident occurred: LORENZO LAMAS sustained an injury after a run-in with a stubborn horse, butting heads. He ended up with a split lower lip and, after treatment, was sporting seven stitches. The make-up artists did their best to conceal his injury, but the swollen lip is visible in the later parts of this segment, particularly in LORENZO's final close-up. The make-up department still had to do extra work on his lip the following days, but the injury is still visible in quite a few scenes, particularly in the courthouse at the end of # 045 (compare there).
Uncredited stand-in MARTHA MANOR appears as an extra again — this time in a blond wig as a Tuscany Valley Hospital nurse. For another appearance in this episode, see below.
Compare # 213 for a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about MARTHA MANOR, compare # 001.
Uncredited extra DOUGLAS MAIDA appears as Dave in this episode again — this time, at his place of work as an orderly at the Tuscany Valley Hospital. For another appearance in this episode, see below.
Compare # 224 for biographical details about this minor rôle and a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 034.
Uncredited extra ROBERTA STORM appears in this episode again as nurse Winslow at the Tuscany Valley Hospital.
Compare # 219 for biographical details about this minor rôle and a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 035.
Uncredited extra NICK STEVENS appears in this episode again as Reuben Corsair — this time entering the Tuscany Valley Hospital.
Compare # 182 for biographical information about this minor rôle and a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 008.
The cell block at the Tuscany County Jail — Women's Correctional Facility in this episode as well as # 044 and 045 is portrayed by the 2nd floor cell block of the former Los Angeles City Jail a.k.a. Lincoln Heights Jail. Compare # 041 for details about this filming site.
It can be concluded that Maggie was born in 1941: She and Chase got married in 1959 according to this episode, and Maggie was 18 years old when she married him as she explained in # 038.
Series time frame: Nearly a week has gone by since the gunshots at Falcon Crest (# 040). Giving respect to the interpretation stated in # 040, it must be around the beginning of March 1983 now. This spring is apparently very warm, as it can be concluded from the characters' clothes at Jacqueline's funeral service and from the vines in bloom.
Dr. Lantry's office is not an interior set built on a sound stage, but a real doctor's office in the Pacoima Hospital (nowadays Phoenix House Foundation), the hospital complex in Lake View Terrace, CA, which is used as the filming location for the Tuscany Valley Hospital. Inside joke: The black and white photo behind Dr. Lantry's desk shows an aerial view of a part of the building complex.
The director's cut of this episode included a scene with a banker named Stockwell foreclosing on Hogan's Home Center. Nick says now that his store is going out of business, he wants to start over with Vickie in San Diego where he can join his brother in a trailer park business. The scene was deleted from the final version, which resulted in the audience never being informed that Nick left the Tuscany Valley after Vickie discovered him in bed with Sheila.
 The side wings and additional buildings of the Tuscany Valley Hospital (the Out-Patient Clinic, in particular), which are featured in the outdoor scenes with Chase in the wheelchair in this episode, particularly in the scene at the basketball court, and in two more scenes in the two following episodes, are not portrayed by the Pacoima Hospital, but by the Recreation Center and the Kennedy Hall of the Yountville Veterans Hospital outside Yountville, CA in the Napa Valley.
The establishing shot of San Francisco features an eastern view over the city and bay, Nob Hill (with the distinct Fairmont and Mark Hopkins hotels in the foreground), Financial District behind. The Oakland Bay Bridge and Yerba Buena Island are visible in the background.
The San Francisco building Angela steps out of is actually the Pacific Center in Los Angeles. It will be featured again in # 144.
Vickie drives a blue-gray Dodge Aries now.
Nick and Vickie's house looks different; it is a different filming location now (compare # 023). Either they moved, or this is supposed to be the rear entrance.
Joseph can walk and speak — amazing for a hardly one-year-old boy. The "secret" is that the actor, JASON GOLDBERG, is older than the character: He was born in 1980.
 The filming location for the Falcon Crest vineyards in the scene with Cole and Vickie are vineyards near the southern water reservoir of the North Coast Irrigation company on Oak Knoll Avenue in the Napa Valley, CA.
Although very similar to his truck from season 2, Chase has a new gray GMC High Sierra pickup (type C-1500) now, this episode used by Cole in the vineyards.
 The Tuscany County Courthouse will play a more and more important rôle in the series from this episode on. The historic main building of the Tuscany County Courthouse is the real historic Napa Valley Courthouse. A prop sign was installed above the main entrance.
Not only the exterior shots, but also the interior scenes for # 042 through # 046 were filmed there in courtroom A on the second floor.
The exterior footage filmed this season will be reused for establishing clips in later years. In # 026 (see there), by the way, the courthouse was portrayed by a different building.
RICHARD ROAT, who played bank manager Walker in season 1 (# 003), now guest-stars as judge Belmonte.
Inside joke: The character's last name is "borrowed" from DOMINIC BELMONTE, the show's prop master.
 Different footage: In this episode, the moment when Julia is taken out of the courtroom by the bailiff is a close-up. In the sneak preview before the main title, however, the same moment was shown in a wide angle shot. They also stand in a different position. The footage comes from various takes of the scene.
Self-irony: When Michael says he thought rich winery owners spent their days having elegant garden parties, not doing manual labor, Maggie replies he must have been watching too much television.
After his earlier appearance in this episode (see above), uncredited extra DOUGLAS MAIDA participates as Dave again — also at his place of work at the Tuscany Valley Hospital.
Compare # 224 for biographical details about this minor rôle and a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 034.
License plate number of Michael's blue-gray 1983 Mercury Cougar Coupé: 1GFD947.
 Cameraman's mistake: In a scene on the driveway in front of the Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion, the boom microphone can be seen in the upper left corner of the screen.
This mistake is visible in the original TV airing only. For the season 3 DVD release, the original picture negative was repositioned when scanned in the remastering process, eliminating the flaw from the visible frame (screen capture 2).
 Director's mistake: In the exterior scene on the veranda of the Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion, Emma is the third person to run into the house (behind Lance and Melissa). In the interior scene, however, she is next to last to enter the house. Also, Angela's black Mercedes-Benz 600 is not visible through the front door although it was parked on the driveway right at the entrance in the preceding segment. The interior scenes had been shot on the sound stage weeks before the exteriors were done at Spring Mountain. The director was slightly negligent.
Product placement: A cardiac monitor by Roche can be seen in Chase's room at the Tuscany Valley Hospital.
Uncredited stand-in MARTHA MANOR appears as an extra again — for the second time in this episode (for her previous appearance, see above) as a Tuscany Valley Hospital nurse, now in a curly brunette wig.
Compare # 213 for a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about MARTHA MANOR, compare # 001.
Uncredited extra JULIE SALLES participates again as the brunette Tuscany Valley socialite in her 20's — this episode as a nurse at the Tuscany Valley Hospital again.
Compare # 167 for biographical details about this minor rôle and a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 020.
The end credits of this episode and # 044 list LOU CARELLO as "CORELLO", which is a misspelling.
Cast background: LOU CARELLO, who plays Larry Hayward, by the way, was actually paralyzed during his service as a combat Marine in the Viet Nam War. Confined to a wheelchair himself, he was instrumental in the spread of wheelchair based basketball across the U.S.
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