# 039 <2.21> Maelstrom
(revised 06/17/2024)
Tentative title: The Maelstrom.
The first scene under opening credits shows a panorama of Tuscany Valley vineyards — as in # 028, 030 and # 036, stock footage from "The Vintage Years" main title.
Uncredited stand-in GORDON HODGINS appears as an extra again — this time in his usual rôle as a Tuscany Valley gentleman entering the Tuscany County Building.
Compare # 182 for a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about GORDON HODGINS, compare # 001.
Some well-known Tuscany Valley automobiles are parked in front of the Tuscany County Building:
Right next to Chase's GMC, the brown Volkswagen Rabbit (screen capture 1), which has been known since # 001 (check there for details), is parked.
To the left of the second patrol car (the one Dan and Chase hop in), the beige / brown Ford Mustang II Coupé (screen grab 2; check # 021 for details) is parked. When Dan pulls further back, the light yellow Ford Pinto Runabout (screen capture 3; check # 001 for details) becomes visible in the background.
Cameraman's mistake: When Chase and Robbins leave from the Tuscany County Building in the sheriff's patrol car, a reflection of the film crew's lighting equipment is visible on the vehicle's side windows.
 Extensive interior filming is done at the privately owned mansion that poses as Richard's House (the old McKay House).
Among other pictures, "Between Wealth and Love" ("Entre la richesse et l'amour") hangs in the living room of Richard's house. It is an 1869 painting (oil on canvas; Realism era) by WILLIAM-ADOLPHE BOUGUEREAU (1825 – 1905).
The picture is not a prop. The original painting was part of the house's furniture and decoration back then, but was sold off in the meantime. It is now owned by a private collector.

For the first and only time, scenes are shot in the kitchen of the Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion. Up to now, it has only been obvious that the kitchen must be accessible through the the hallway behind the dining room.
The kitchen featured this episode, however, is not an interior set, but the real kitchen of the filming location posing as the old McKay House as a way to trim down production costs. Inconsistency: The kitchen window is different in shape and design from the windows in the Victorian Mansion (see photo of the kitchen wing).
The filming location for the Tuscany Valley park where Vickie and Nick meet is part of the yard of the property posing as the old McKay House.
In the scene when the sheriff arrives at the Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion, the engine of Robbins' patrol car and the vehicle's door opening and closing can be heard shortly before he steps up to the terrace to Angela and Chase, but the car is never shown. This seems a bit odd because JOE LAMBIE actually drove the picture car into the sound stage as per the producing staff's request. It remains a mystery why it was not photographed or — if filmed — why the car did not make it to the final version of the episode.
According to the script, the end of the first scene at Darryl's house was supposed to be an exterior shot with Maggie delivering her final sentence while running out of his house to her car and driving away. This idea was dropped during filming, and the scene concluded still inside the house. It remains a mystery why this was changed although the picture car (the Giobertis' Mercedes-Benz 300 TD station wagon) had been transported to the filming location.
Season time frame:
Henri died this week. So less than seven days must have gone by since # 038.
Diana has been calling Denault about Richard the past month. Although her first call was in # 032 already (which was shortly after Nov 3, 1982), Richard most likely noticed only the phone conversations during the past month rather than all previous ones.
It was in the past month that Chase was arrested in front of the Agretti tool shed (# 035). Giving respect to # 037 depicting the end of January 1983 (see there), the current episode must also be still around that time.
Vickie and Nick's wedding will be Friday in two weeks (# 040). As Angela tells Chase about Jacqueline having "sold" Richard to Denault at the end of # 038, which — as it will be revealed in # 051 — was four weeks prior to the wedding, # 039 must depict a period of around two to three weeks, giving respect to the time frame stated in # 040.
 Cameraman's mistake: In the scene with Maggie, Vickie and Nick at the Tuscany Valley Inn, the boom microphone can be seen in the upper corner of the screen.
This error is visible in the original North American TV airing and the NTSC DVDs only. In the PAL version, the picture negative was in a different position in the film transfer (compare right screen grab), eliminating the flaw from the visible frame.
For more information about differences in the visible frame, consult the post-production section in the Show – Production Office – Making of information.
Historic allusion: Maggie mentions the "King James Bible", i.e. the version of the bible as translated by order of King James I of England.
Mistake: When Sheriff Robbins forcefully opens the tunnel to the Agretti Residence, he asks his deputy to hold the gate lock. Although the deputy grasps for the lock, there is no hand to be seen in the close-up.
The establishing shot of Chinatown in San Francisco is stock footage from a film library. It features the distinct Sing Chong Building at the corner of California Street and Grant Avenue (filmed towards north); the Chinatown Wax Museum was housed there in these days.
 Editing and lighting mistake: The scene with Phillip and Angela on the veranda of the Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion implies they could see the sunset.
This is impossible because the front of the mansion does not face west, but faces east.
 Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion exterior set — inconsistency: In the scene with Chao-Li, a wall facing off in a 90-degree angle from the living room — behind its first window where the fireplace is — can be seen. This is not in accordance with the architecture of the real Villa Miravalle. Both living room windows and the fireplace between them are actually along the same building line.
 Cameraman's mistake: In the scene with Chase, Maggie, Cole Vickie and Nick in the Gioberti House living room, one of the big lights of the sound stage can be seen in the upper corner of the screen.
This error is visible in the original North American TV airing and the NTSC DVDs only. In the PAL version, the picture negative was in a different position in the film transfer (compare right screen grab), eliminating the flaw from the visible frame.
For more information about differences in the visible frame, consult the post-production section in the Show – Production Office – Making of information.
The establishing shot of San Diego is stock footage from a film library. It features Coronado Beach (filmed in northeastern direction); towards the end, the clip features the Hotel del Coronado.
Early script drafts contained a scene with Julia sitting in the back of the taxi, on her way to Tony's place, rambling on with the cabbie how nice the neighborhood looks and that San Diego has the best year-round climate in the country. Shortly before filming, this scene was omitted.
The phone number of the San Diego cab company Julia uses to get to Tony's place is 314-3298. Despite the usual habit of the movie industry to use the "555" prefix for on-screen telephone numbers (compare # 005), the production company used a real prefix in the current episode.
The taxi is a 1973 Checker Taxicab (type A11).
The filming location for Tony's townhouse in San Diego is a private residence (a triplex) in Westwood in Greater L.A.
For the fight scene in the Falcon Crest Winery Building between Lance and Cole, GLENN R. WILDER and DON PULFORD were hired as stunt doubles for LORENZO LAMAS and BILLY R. MOSES respectively. But the stuntmen were never photographed since the actors decided to perform the scene themselves. The wardrobe department had to provide hip, knee and elbow pads and hide them under LORENZO and BILLY's clothes.
Edited scene: The director's cut for this episode contained a moment during the fight in the winery when Melissa and Linda turn to the open winery doors, shouting up towards the Victorian Mansion — Melissa calls for Chao-Li, and Linda shouts for help. This part was removed in post-production, leaving the audience wonder why Chao-Li comes into the winery all of a sudden in an apron, apparently having worked in the Mansion's kitchen before. In the end, however, it seems to make sense that the part with Melissa and Linda was cut because it would have been improbable that Chao-Li could have heard them from that distance in the Mansion.
The book shelves and many of the books on them in Phillip's office are the same props that were used in # 034 to dress Steve Barton's law office.
Mistake: The license plate number of Richard's blue-gray Rolls-Royce Silver Spirit I is now 1E49903. This is not only different from its usual number (compare # 025), but it is not a plate number for a normal passenger car either — the combination of figures and letters would actually be issued for trucks and special vehicles only.
Spheeris, a cold-blooded cartel killer, is played by DICK DUROCK in this and the following episode. The character will become much more famous during seasons 3 and 4 when he will be portrayed by KEN LETNER (see # 054 for details). Inside joke: The character's last name, by the way, is "borrowed" from LINDA SPHEERIS, the show's set decorator.
The cartel's limousine used by Diana and Spheeris to abduct Richard is a black stretched Lincoln Town Car.
The filming location for the New Globe parking garage is the underground garage at 10560 Wilshire in Westwood, CA — the condo complex where Phillip's apartment (compare # 031), Richard's apartment and Lori's bedroom (compare # 032) were filmed.
Mysterious: In the cliffhanger, there is an assassination attempt on Chase and Maggie in the Falcon Crest Winery Building, which, as revealed in # 040, was done by Julia. But Julia was in San Diego a few scenes before the cliffhanger and returns to a San Francisco bar only in # 040. As stated in act 1 of # 040, there is a time gap of one week between # 039 and # 040. So she must have returned to Tuscany in the meantime just for the assassination attempt?!
ROBERT FOXWORTH and SUSAN SULLIVAN were replaced by stunt doubles BOBBY J. FOXWORTH and GLYNN RUBIN when Chase and Maggie take the fall in the Falcon Crest Winery Building after the barrels topple.
 Editing mistake: In the wide angle shot, Maggie is lying in a different position from the one seen in the close-up with Chase. This is caused by shots from various takes being put together in the editing process.
In the usual process of making a movie or a TV show, scenes are shot at least twice — as a wide angle shot and in close-up, which bears the risk of inconsistencies. Compare # 001 (Chase and Maggie at the Gioberti Family Cemetery) for the advantages and disadvantages of this shooting procedure.
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