# 029 <2.11> "United We Stand..."
(revised 05/06/2024)
The episode opener is a unique aerial view of the Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion (filmed towards northeast from a helicopter). This view is featured in this episode only.
It is footage, which was taken during the Wine Country filming of season 1 already, but remained previously unused.
Uncredited extra JULIE SALLES participates again as the brunette Tuscany Valley socialite in her 20's — this episode passing by behind Vickie and Nick in downtown Tuscany. For her second appearance in this episode, see below.
Compare # 167 for biographical details about this minor rôle and a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 020.
Carrie's Clothes Closet, a clothes store in downtown Tuscany, is featured this episode.
The filming location is a store on Montana Avenue (at the corner of 12th Street) in Santa Monica.
Following producers' orders, JAMIE ROSE wears a wig from this episode on until she leaves the series. The producers did not like her curly hair and the hair stylists had trouble straightening it.
The curly haired blonde played by uncredited extra BETTY JEANNE GLENNIE is leaving Carrie's Clothes Closet in this episode.
Compare # 175 for biographical details about this minor rôle and a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 015.
Product placement: Jacqueline's baggage are Louis Vuitton products.
Fictional entity: Jacqueline buys the Tate Hotel on Nob Hill in San Francisco, a hotel that will be mentioned quite often in future episodes.
Despite LORIMAR's "new wardrobe for new season" policy, this episode, Melissa wears a dress she already wore in season 1 (# 016).
Chase mentions Bergen from the registrar's office in the Tuscany Valley County Building, a character who will never appear on screen.
Different from the filming locations in # 025 and 028, the Upper Franklin Canyon Reservoir in Franklin Canyon in Beverly Hills, CA portrays Cross Creek in this episode. Compare # 013 for a different use of this location.
The contractor for Richard's winery in the Douglas Channing Memorial Garden near the Cross Creek is the E. Grenwald Construction Co., Phone (707) 555-1427. Inside joke: The name of the contractor is a play on the name of E.F. WALLENGREN, the show's story editor and this episode's writer.
A company called Sansamour is Richard's entity running this project.
The E. Grenwald Construction Co.'s pickup trucks are a white 1981 Chevrolet 3+3 Crew Cab (on the left in the screen grab), a red 1980 Chevrolet Silverado C-10 (center to right in the screen capture) and a brown 1979 Ford LTD Country Squire with exterior wood trim (right).
The E. Grenwald Construction Co.'s backhoe loader is a yellow Ford 420.
Inside joke: DOMINIC BELMONTE, the show's property master, appears as a construction worker of the E. Grenwald Construction Co. in this episode.
He portrayed two different parts in # 027, one of which he will resume playing in # 041 (compare both episodes).
The filming location for the Tuscany Valley road where Melissa has the flat tire is a section of Franklin Canyon Drive in Beverly Hills, CA. A different part of that road was used in # 010 (compare there: car chase with Mario).
When Melissa and Lance open the doors of their Porsches, there are reflections of the film crew's lights on each car for short moments.
Uncredited stand-in MARTHA MANOR appears as an extra again — this time as a brunette with curls (in a dark wig), who is a patron at Luccio's.
Compare # 213 for a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about MARTHA MANOR, compare # 001.
After her first appearance in this episode (see above), uncredited extra JULIE SALLES participates again as the brunette Tuscany Valley socialite in her 20's — now as a patron at Luccio's.
Compare # 167 for biographical details about this minor rôle and a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 020.
 As the show stopped filming on location in the Napa Valley for this season in the previous episode, a Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion veranda set built on the sound stage now stands in for the scenes. Inconsistency: It can be seen in detail in this episode that the two small windows in the main tower (first floor) are not made from stained glass as in the real Villa. The limestone replicas in the set are also a lot smoother than the real ones. Furthermore, the bush between the main tower and the dining room is missing in the set (see yellow arrow).
LORIMAR's original blueprints of this set and many others are available for DFCF members in the Show – Production Office – Filming Locations – Movie Studios – Interior Sets section.
 There is a photo of the Cooperage — a building whose exteriors will be used in # 071 — on the wall in Julia's lab at the Falcon Crest Winery. The photo actually shows the Inglenook Winery (compare this season's General Information). The same picture is in different places, also in the room next to the lab, as the screen captures from # 034 and 038 illustrate.
Falcon Crest Winery Building interior set: A colorful stained glass window is now in Julia's lab. It used to be an ordinary glass window in previous episodes.
The filming location for Darryl's Tuscany Valley home (interiors and exteriors) is a private residence in Santa Monica, CA.
Series time frame: It's been over a year since Chase and Maggie left New York. A rough estimation, which seems to be correct (compare # 018).
Season time frame: This episode has a three-day chronology. It is mentioned on day 1 that the New Globe board meeting is four days away and will take place on Friday. Giving respect to the information stated in # 028, this episode opens on Monday, Oct 25, 1982 and closes on Wednesday, Oct 27, 1982.
Judge Myers (from the Tuscany County Courthouse) issues the temporary injunction against Richard's building a winery at Cross Creek. Inside joke: This character without an on-screen appearance is named after PETER MYERS, one of the main music composers of the series.
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