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# 216 <9.11> Time Bomb
(revised 07/08/2024)

Shortcuts to this episode's
Script | Credits | Filming Locations

The shot of Genele in Sharpe's limousine in the current version of this season's main title (right screen capture) is from an unused version of the scene in # 214 (compare the left screen grab for the version used in that episode).
Season time frame: This episode continues where # 215 left off because Danny and Michael come back to Sharpe's office early in the morning after they left it late at night at the end of # 215.
Product placement: Jason Sampson mentions a Rolex watch.
Fictional entity: Pickett Plaza, another investment project, is mentioned.
Lighting mistake: One of the studio lights in the greenbeds above the interior set of Richard's house is in the wrong position. Strange reflections on DAVID SELBY are the result all through the scene with Richard and Jace.
Lauren's new car is a red 1989 Ford Aerostar van.
The filming location for the La Serre restaurant in Tuscany is what used to be the actual restaurant by the same name on Ventura Boulevard in Studio City, CA. The restaurant closed in 1991; nowadays, the building houses a different restaurant.

Uncredited extra DOUGLAS MAIDA appears as Dave in this episode again — as usual, as the receptionist at the Del Oro Spa Building.
Compare # 224 for biographical details about this minor rôle and a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 034.

Inside joke: The character of Jovan Dmytryk, the chess champion of Yugoslavia, is named after MICHAEL DMYTRYK, the show's first assistant director.
Jovan's suite at the Del Oro is basically the same interior set as the one used for Jane Callendar's room in Betsy's Motel in # 206, for Emma's Del Oro suite in # 207 and for Sydney and Ian's Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion guest bedroom in # 212 (see there). Only slight changes (repaint and new furniture as well as adding the same fireplace element that was in use for the season 8 Del Oro suite sets) were made for budgetary reasons.

The 1981 novel "The Officers' Wives" by U.S. American historian and writer THOMAS FLEMING (1927 – 2017) is on the bookshelves in the living room of Richard's house.

Richard buys Jace out for $ 250,000 although his interest in the firm is worth $ 2.5 million.
In contrast to the previous episodes for which scenes in the Daniels' living room were also photographed at the usual filming location in Topanga Canyon (screen capture 1 from # 208), the interiors of the house in this episode are a set replicated on a sound stage at CBS-MTM STUDIOS (RADFORD STUDIO CENTER). Particularly due to the special effects in connection with Walker's gunshots, a set had to be built. The interior set was built very accurately to resemble the actual home (screen grab 2 photographed from across). The set can only be recognized by the slightly different dimensions of the logs. Also, the wood burner in the corner was not replicated in the set, which is why filming that area was avoided.
Product placement: Sharpe mentions Tupperware, the kitchen supply company.

Product placement: The timer for Walker's time bomb is a model by the Micronta company.

Fictional entity: Dynacorp is one of Sharpe's subsidiaries.

The station wagon in which Mrs. Peterson, a friend of Lauren's, takes Michael and Kevin home is a beige 1988 Ford LTD Crown Victoria Country Squire with exterior wood trim.
It is, by the way, the same picture car that was used as Mercedes Vargas' vehicle in the previous season (see # 191).

To avoid any danger in the scene with the Dobermans in front of the Daniels home, ROBERT GORMAN and JESSE STOCK are replaced by photo doubles.
The following interior scenes with Michael and Kevin in the Daniels house were not filmed during the regular shooting period of this episode, but deferred to the shooting week of # 217 — filming occurred along with other scenes from the following episode involving JESSE STOCK and ROBERT GORMAN.
Mistake: When Walker looks at the timer to check how much time he has left until the bomb goes off, it says 33 seconds. But the screen time does not match this time frame: 42 seconds will go by until the bomb really explodes.
The original bible for season 9 planned for Walker to move away rather than dying.

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