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# 181 <7.26> Telling Tales
(revised 06/17/2024)

Shortcuts to this episode's
Script | Credits | Filming Locations

Different footage: The preceding episode featured a different take of Dan's return to the Agretti Residence when he surprises Melissa and Lance (screen capture 1) in contrast to the recap before the main title (screen grab 2). Dan's expression on his face, the intonation of his line and the camera angle are slightly different.
Different footage: The moment when Maggie, on the terrace of the Coit Café, reproaches Peter Ryder with having his own personal vendetta against Richard was featured in a close-up of her in the preceding episode; during her line, there was a cut to a long shot (screen captures 1 and 2). In the recap before the main title of the current episode, this very moment is presented in a close-up filmed towards the senator though (screen capture 3).
Cast background: GREGG HENRY, who is introduced as Richard's attorney, Thom Dower, played with SUSAN SULLIVAN in the 1976-77 season of "Rich Man, Poor Man — Book II".
The area where Rosemont and Fred ("Grey Suit") go pheasant shooting, is Malibu Canyon in real life. It is on the grounds of Saddlerock Ranch near the Saddle Rock after which the property has been named.
Access road 5 in the Tuscany Valley where Maggie's Mercedes-Benz has a flat tire is also there; it is the bend on Mulholland Highway between the main gate and gate 2 of Saddlerock Ranch.
This area around Saddlerock Ranch has been the new major filming location for nearly all exterior shooting since # 170.

The interior shot of Maggie's car, however, was filmed in a different place in Malibu Canyon — on Encinal Canyon Road close to the T-junction at Lechusa Road (camera facing west).


In the more dangerous parts of Maggie's drive when her Mercedes-Benz S-Class' tire blows, SUSAN SULLIVAN is replaced by stunt double DONNA GARRETT.


The patrol car used by the policeman bribed by The Thirteen is a 1980 Chevrolet Malibu with a 9C1 patrol car package.
The license plate number is not legible in full; it ends in ...57 though.


JOHN ZENDA, the actor who played various supporting rôles in previous seasons (compare # 103), appears as a highway patrolman bribed by the Thirteen this episode.

All scenes with URSULA ANDRESS for this episode were filmed 01/13/1988, which was actually a shooting day during the regular combined shooting schedule of # 182 and 183. The scenes were orignially scheduled to be filmed primarily 12/08/1987, but had to be deferred due to the actress' unavailability. Also compare # 180.
Uncredited extra SHARRI ZAK appears as the gray-haired Tuscany Valley socialite with the pony tail again; this episode in the Del Oro lobby and later at The Max again.
Compare # 202 for biographical details about this rôle and a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 009.
Uncredited extra PAUL VAN appears again — first, not in his usual rôle though, but as the Del Oro concierge again (as in # 170). See below for his later appearance in this episode.
Compare # 227 for biographical details about PAUL VAN's primary minor rôle and a list of all his appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 014.
Post-production mistake: The view of the tree-lined main driveway to Falcon Crest — a view over the vineyards of Stags' Leap to Shafer in real life — introducing a scene taking place at Richard and Maggie's ranch is an inconsistency. As it is known from various descriptions of the places over a few of the previous episodes, the ranch is located on the outskirts of the valley with no vineyards around at all.
Compare # 132 and 151 for similar errors.
The license plate number of Lance's black Mercedes 560 SL convertible is 2PAO139 (like early in the season) again, also in # 182, although there was a different number on that car in the meantime (see # 171).

The filming location for the grounds of the Western Historical Museum is at a lake at Saddlerock Ranch. The same spot was used in # 170 (scene with Lance and Tony at the lake — filmed from across).

Fictional organization: The Frontier Historical Society in San Francisco is mentioned in context with the "key to Angela".

The nightly establishing shot of Washington, D.C., which is stock footage from a film library, shows the U.S. Capitol from East Capitol Street SE (filmed in western direction).

The establishing shot of the hotel where Richard and Maggie are staying in Washington, D.C. features the real Watergate hotel.
All the interiors (e.g. lobby, suites, elevator etc.), however, are filmed at the Registry Hotel (nowadays Universal Hilton) in Universal City, CA. This location was used for other purposes in # 116, 121, 147 and 173 (compare there).

BUCK McDANCER, who portrays one of Richard's security guards in this episode, also portrayed various rôles before and will play various other characters in the future; compare # 083 for details.

License plate number of Dan's motorcycle: 2692G4 (old blue California plate with yellow lettering).

This episode makes it very clear that parts of the sets are movable walls that can be rearranged or completely removed. Two parts of the Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion study set are not put in their exact places this time (see yellow mark).

Uncredited extra SHIRLEY ANTHONY appears as Dr. Lee Walkling again — this time as one of the senators in the hearing. See # 182 for details since she is visible better in that episode.
Compare # 207 for biographical details about this minor rôle and a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 016.
Inside joke: Kenneth Horton, the Senator's name in the hearing, is "borrowed" from KEN HORTON, a LORIMAR staff member who worked as a production assistant on "Dallas" and other shows and later became LORIMAR's vice president for programming.

Eric and Vickie must have moved to a different suite at the Del Oro because the entranceway looks different from the one in the previous episode.

Madame Malec stays in suite 213 at the Del Oro.
The interior set used as the Del Oro hallway in # 147 (leading to the gym) is now reused as another hallway with minor changes (leading to suite 213 this time).

Product placement: Madame Malec and Eric ordered a bottle of Perrier-Jouët (Fleur de Champagne) again, which is prepared in a cooler on a side table.

Another senator in the hearing is called A. Contreras as the name sign reveals (on the left in the screen capture). He is played by uncredited extra BOB D'ARCY.
Inside joke: The name is "borrowed" from ABEL CONTRERAS, the show's construction laborer.
The other senator in the Senate Select Committee (on the right in the screen grab) is portrayed by PETER PAUL EASTMAN.
This uncredited extra previously appeared in many episodes; compare # 221 for a list of appearances throughout the series. He also played a member of The Thirteen in # 168, 173 and 175, which gives kind of a strange taste to his being cast in the current episode.
For details about the extra, compare # 021.
The Watergate Hotel restaurant in Washington, D.C. (Maggie and Ryder this episode, Angela and Rosemont next episode) is also portrayed by the Registry Hotel (Universal Hilton) in Universal City, CA (see above). It will also be used as a San Francisco based restaurant in # 196 and 209 (see there).
Season time frame:
Maggie tells Peter Ryder she has been sober for five weeks. Her cold-turkey withdrawal was finished at the end of # 178, i.e. 05/19/1988. Five weeks having gone by since then means that Maggie's conversation with the senator takes place on Thursday, 06/23/1988 (day 3 of the current episode). The final day of the episode is Saturday, 06/25/1988.
Since # 179 and 180 depicted the events around the end of May 1988, some weeks must have gone by during the current episode; most likely right before the Channings went on their trip to Washington, D.C.
Shortly before Angela remembers Richard's blackmail scheme concerning the return of her wines the year before (flashback to the scene from # 150 <6.23>), she takes a bottle in the Falcon Crest Winery Building in her hands. According to the script, this is supposed to be one of her Angelica wines. The label is visible in parts on one bottle only (yellow arrow), but the segment was filmed using an old bottle with a Francesca label (design line: cave drawing).
Detailed information about this wine label and many others is available in the Show – Production Office – Wine Label Gallery section. Previews are available for the general public; for DFCF members, the wine labels are available in high resolution.

SHAHRAD VOSSOUGHI (uncredited extra) plays the waiter at The Max again.
He appearead as an extra in # 155, 158, 159, 162, 164, 165, 167, 173, 177 and 179. For his speaking rôle as Nick Massoud, compare # 206 and 209.

Uncredited extra ARLENA HOLLARMAN APISA, who has been playing Helen, the Del Oro Spa & Country Club chief receptionist, since # 135, appears in this episode again — not in her hotel uniform though, but in a pink dress as a dancer at The Max, probably after her shift at the front desk has ended.
The interesting fact about this scene is that ARLENA is actually a stuntwoman and serves as a utility stunt here. The dancers immediately surrounding JOHN CALLAHAN and BRETT CULLEN in Eric and Dan's fight were all from the stunt crew to avoid actors being injured when filming the fight.
Compare # 223 for a list of appearances throughout the series.

Uncredited stuntman CHRISTOPHER DOYLE, who previously appeared in # 011 (compare there), plays the slender dark-haired man dancing at The Max. LORIMAR hired a stunt crew as the dancers close to Dan and Eric's fight.

After his earlier appearance in this episode (see above), uncredited extra PAUL VAN also plays his usual rôle of the mustached Tuscany Valley doctor as a patron at The Max.
Compare # 227 for biographical details about PAUL VAN's primary minor rôle and a list of all his appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 014.

The establishing shot of Washington, D.C. at dawn is stock footage from a film library. It features the Lincoln Memorial from Arlington National Cemetery (filmed in eastern direction) with the Washington Monument and the Capitol in the background.

Uncredited extra BARBARA SMITH appears in this episode again as the platinum blonde Tuscany Valley socialite — apparently working as a reporter during the hearing in Washington, D.C.
For details about the extra, compare # 066.
Compare # 221 for a list of appearances throughout the series.
The blonde woman (uncredited extra) who is best remembered as the Coit Café cash counter lady (# 154) is among the audience in the hearing of the Senate Select Committee in Washington D.C. in this episode. Richard giving testimony before the Senate Select Committee seems to be of particular interest to the people from the San Francisco Bay Area. This lady obviously found it so interesting that she decided to come to Washington... The solution is: She obviously changed jobs as # 183 will reveal where she will be seen as a reporter in front of the Tuscany County Courthouse.
Compare # 195 for a list of appearances throughout the series.

Product placement: There is a Panasonic TV set in Rosemont's limo.

The road seen through the back window of Rosemont's limo is a blue screen technique. It is the very same shot of the road as seen through the window of the limo in the scene with Emma and the Habermans in # 171 (see there). The Tuscany Valley country road seen in the projection is Oak Knoll Avenue outside Napa (driving from northeast at approximately the intersection with Big Ranch Road in southwestern direction); it is stock footage LORIMAR shot during earlier location filming in the Wine Country.
Deleted scene: Act 4 contained a scene in the park (filmed at the heavily filmed park on the CBS-MTM backlot; compare # 135) in which Vickie meets with Dan, sitting under a tree, having a picnic breakfast with muffins and a thermos of coffee. She says she still loves Eric, Dan says that he changed her. This scene was removed in post-production.
The interior set previously used as Garth's room and as Michael and Kevin's bedroom at Richard and Maggie's ranch is reused as the research room of the Frontier Historical Society — with different props and set dressing and the walls being rearranged slightly again.
The picture behind Lance in the research room of the Frontier Historical Society is the same prop that was used in the card room at the Del Oro in # 158.
Real-life allusion: In the archives where Melissa and Lance do their research, a picture of U.S. President GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732 – 99) is on the wall (on the right in the screen capture).
Deleted scene: In the second scene with Angela's testimony before the Senate Select Committee, the script suggested another flashback right before Angela says about Richard: "I'm ashamed to call him my son." The script called for a flashback to the scene from # 157 <7.02> after Chase's memorial service when Angela, in the Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion study, tells Richard that, as far as she is concerned, her son died 45 years ago.
It was decided in post-production to remove these memories in order to avoid the overuse of flashbacks in this episode — since there was already a flashback from # 150 <6.23> (see above) and, during the first part of Angela's testimony, a flashback from # 055 <3.15> (Richard told Angela at the entrance to the Victorian Mansion that, without Falcon Crest, she has nothing).

The establishing shot of Washington, D.C. in the early morning — stock footage from a film library — features the Thomas Jefferson Memorial. It was photographed from West Potomac Park near Independence Avenue SW and the Kutz Bridge in southeastern direction.


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