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# 161 <7.06> New Faces
(revised 06/17/2024)

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Script | Credits | Filming Locations

Compare the General Information for budget constraints. In particular, the absence of JOHN CALLAHAN and DANA SPARKS in this episode until # 165, of MARGARET LADD between # 162 and 165 and of CHAO-LI CHI between # 161 and # 163 is offset by the appearance of WILLIAM R. MOSES in this episode and # 162.
Editing mistake: This episode opens with a view over forests and vineyards near the Mayacamas mountains in the Napa Valley, but is followed by an establishing shot of Travis' Lake Tahoe mansion.
The aerial view of the Tuscany Valley is filmed towards east over Evey Road and Calistoga Grade (Highway 29) outside Calistoga, CA.
While the other scenes at Travis' property are filmed in the Napa Valley (see # 160 and below), the shot of Richard and Garth on Travis' driveway just before they leave is filmed in the lagoon area at CBS-MTM STUDIOS (RADFORD STUDIO CENTER; compare # 089 for details).
LORIMAR's original blueprints of this set and many others are available for DFCF members in the Show – Production Office – Filming Locations – Movie Studios – Exterior Sets section.
The establishing shots of Sydney / Australia are eastern views of the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Sydney Opera House. They are stock footage from a film library.
According to original script drafts, nurse Claudia Chadway was called Harrow. The character name, however, was changed during filming.
Different footage: The sneak preview for this episode features a different take of the moment when Richard turns around in Channing Nevada to see his security squad (wide angle) and of one of the guards (screen grabs 1 and 2). In the episode itself, the same moment is presented in a close-up of Richard, and the guard is shown from a slightly different angle (screen captures 3 and 4).
The buildings on the photographed backdrop (translight) of the set of Emma's hotel balcony in Los Angeles is the eastern part of Wilshire Boulevard between the Los Angeles Country Club and Westwood Boulevard (Wilshire Corridor). Judging from the point of view, Emma's hotel must be one of the highrises on Santa Monica Boulevard in Century City.
Historic allusion: Richard mentions Western legend WYATT EARP (1848 – 1929).

As in # 157 (compare there), an old establishing clip of the Gioberti Winery is reused, featuring the previous prop signage reading "Gianinni Winery" above the entrance. This is hardly a post-production mistake because no updated exterior shots have been filmed at Stags' Leap since season 5.


Uncredited extra LARRY HUMBURGER appears in another rôle — this time as a worker at the Gioberti Winery.
Compare # 227 for a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 078.


The old photo of Angela Gioberti and Carl Brock (alias Carlton Travis) is from the 1938 movie "Brother Rat" starring JANE WYMAN and EDDIE ALBERT. What a fabulous prop!


The interior shots of Travis' house (also featured in # 163) are filmed at Henry Hagen's house (nowadays Palmaz Vineyards) in Napa, CA — as well as the exteriors (see # 160 for details).

The establishing shot of Tahoe, NV is stock footage from a film library. It is a northeastern view of Tahoe Village, NV. The illuminated hotel, which is part of Carlton Travis' resort and casino group, is actually the Montbleu Resort; the hotel in the foreground is the Harvey's Resort Hotel, which was totally rebuilt since then.
The interior shot of Carlton's hotel lobby is actually from the Holiday Inn in Napa, CA (nowadays the Napa Valley Marriott). During location filming in the Napa Valley, most members of the cast and the producing staff as well as all of the crew stayed in that hotel; the production office was located in suite 1011. For this scene, LORIMAR propped the lobby with a few slot machines.
Mistake: In the scene with Melissa and Dan in their rental off-road car in Australia, Melissa looks towards Dan first, but looks straight through the windshield in the subsequent frame. Later during that scene, Melissa crosses her arms with her left one being on top of her right one; but in the subsequent frame filmed from across, her left arm no longer covers her right one.
In the usual process of making a movie or a TV show, scenes are shot at least twice from different angles (e.g. as a wide angle shot and in close-up), which bears the risk of inconsistencies. Compare # 001 (Chase and Maggie at the Gioberti Family Cemetery) for the advantages and disadvantages of this shooting procedure.
Horrible props! The cars in Australia — Melissa and Dan's light brown rental 1987 Jeep Wrangler YJ as well as Kathleen's 1985 Mitsubishi Montero — have left-hand steering wheels. What a shame for "Australia"!
The Australia scenes, by the way, are filmed in Northern California's Wine Country.
In his bathroom, Richard sings "I've Got a Little List" from "The Mikado" operetta by ARTHUR SULLIVAN and W.S. GILBERT.
Channing House interior set — inconsistency: The master bathroom in Richard's house can be seen for the first time; it is accessible from the bedroom. But this door used to lead to a hallway (# 103 and 109) or to a walk-in closet (# 119). The bathroom has been there probably since the renovation after the earthquake (compare # 135).

A poster with an artwork by GIORGIO de CHIRICO (1888 – 1978), an Italian artist, is in Chip Weiner's office.

Chip Weiner's office in Hollywood is the redressed interior set that was used as Phil Tindall's office in the Tuscany Valley Bank in # 157 and as the card room at the Del Oro in # 158 (compare there).
The backdrop in the interior set of Chip Weiner's office seen through the left window is a view of Notre Dame High School in Sherman Oaks, CA — which was used as the filming location for Phillip Erickson's winery in season 3; compare # 057 for details about this location.
Despite LORIMAR's "new wardrobe for new season" policy, this episode, Emma wears the same blouse as in # 133.
ANDREW MASSET, the actor who plays Frank Starr, Dina's ex-boyfriend, this episode, also portrayed Peter Burns, a candidate for the Tuscany County Board of Supervisors, in season 1.
In early script drafts, the current part was named Larry Starr. Since Frank Starr was already mentioned as the former River Oaks (now Del Oro) owner in # 130, the producers decided to reuse this previously unseen character as Dina's ex-boyfriend.
License plate number of Kathleen's beige Mitsubishi Montero: New South Wales / Australia — DLW 572.
This means, by the way, that Cole's ranch, is located in New South Wales.
The filming location used as Kookaburra Station, Cole's sheep ranch in Australia, was also used in # 158, where it posed as a farm house or barn in the background when Melissa was riding on a horse. All parts of the Kookaburra Station (home, barn, shearing shed, etc.) were on the grounds of the former Bobby Brown Ranch in the Napa Valley; compare # 158 for further details about this filming site.
The Kookaburra Station name refers to the kookaburra, a bird native to Australia.
The shot of Dan at the Kookaburra Station in this season's main title (right screen capture) is from an unused version of the scene in this episode (compare the left screen grab for the version used this episode).
Maggie mentions General Motors.
Mistake: In the scene with Cole and Melissa at the Kookaburra Station, their heads are in different positions in subsequent frames — depending on the direction from where they are filmed.
Once again, this is the typical mistake caused by the particular close-up filming technique — check # 001 (Chase and Maggie at the Gioberti Family Cemetery) for details.
Cole's stepdaughter's (Kathleen's daughter's) name is not mentioned in the final version. The writers named her Alice in the production documents though.
Season time frame:
As listed in the analysis of # 160 and 165, the current episode depicts the events around the end of April / beginning of March 1987. Cole says that he has been married to Kathleen for almost nine months. This is hardly imaginable, considering that Cole sailed to Australia only at the end of August 1986 (compare # 137), unless he met Kathleen during his sailing trip already.
Inside joke: Dan shearing the wool off the sheep — he says he knows how to do it because he had worked on a ranch 2,000 miles from there — alludes to BRETT CULLEN's rôle on "The Thorn Birds" (1983), where the "Drogheda sheep station" was located near the fictional town of Gillabone set in New South Wales / Australia.
Uncredited extra SHARRI ZAK appears as the gray-haired Tuscany Valley socialite with the pony tail again; this episode in the Del Oro lobby.
Compare # 202 for biographical details about this rôle and a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 009.

Uncredited extra ARLENA HOLLARMAN APISA appears in this episode again as Helen, the Del Oro Spa & Country Club chief receptionist.
Compare # 223 for a list of appearances throughout the series.

Inside joke: Teddy Melendez, the mechanic who last checked on Lance's racecar, says he has a new job in Napa. Napa is the major filming location in the Napa Valley, the center of northern California's Wine Country.
Teddy's Tuscany bungalow (street number 4819), by the way, is bungalow 9 on the backlot of CBS-MTM STUDIOS (now RADFORD STUDIO CENTER) near the heavily filmed park (compare # 135). It was also used for other purposes in # 124, 142 and 155.
Real-life allusion: Angela compares Carlton with HOWARD HUGHES (1905 – 76).
There is a new picture covering the safe in the sitting room of Richard's house. It is an art print of a 1974 painting (oil on canvas) by American artist ROY LICHTENSTEIN (1923 – 1997) entitled "The Red Horseman". The pop art picture was used on posters to advertize the Los Angeles 1984 Olympic Games.

Product placement: The man in tennis outfits at the Del Oro is carrying a Wilson racket.


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