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# 137 <6.10> Maggie
(revised 07/08/2024)

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Script | Credits | Filming Locations

Edited scene: The scene in the Gioberti House kitchen with Chase and Cole was initially longer: It started out on their listening to a radio announcement about Angela's Committee against Unfair Politics. This was also the original episode opener. This part of the scene was cut in post-production; the scene order was changed also, making this the second scene of the episode.
For the scene with Richard and Meredith, the pond located at the former Inglewood Estate Winery (nowadays Sinegal Estate) in St. Helena, CA is used as a pond near Richard's current home. In previous episodes — # 073 (details there), 076, 105 and 109 — the Agretti gazebo was seen near the lake; the lake was featured in # 131, too. This leads to the conclusion that Richard's property and the Agretti property are neighboring estates.
Compare # 027 for general information on this filming location.
Real-life allusion: Angela mentions NAPOLEON BONAPARTE.
Edited scene: During the séance, just after Karlotti has "lost connection" to Dwayne, Angela covers her ears with her hands for no apparent reason. This particular long shot was kept in the final version although other parts of the segment were shortened in post-production. The director's cut originally contained an insert of Karlotti's foot pedal underneath the covered table, which he depresses various times during the séance for the thundering sound of an air horn. The moment when Angela covers her ears was originally shortly after the last blast of the air horn, and she said: "Stop that!" While the sound effect described in the script was never added, Angela's line was edited out in post-production along with the removal of the insert of the foot pedal. It remains a mystery though why the editor kept the long shot with Angela covering her ears.
Emma owns just over 20 % and Richard 31 % of the stock in the New Globe.

The Del Oro terrace where Kit paints the portrait of Peter and the adjacent golf course are actually the grounds of the Industry Hills Golf Club at Pacific Palms in the City of Industry, CA in Greater L.A.


Uncredited extra ARLENA HOLLARMAN APISA appears in this episode again as Helen, the Del Oro Spa & Country Club chief receptionist.
Compare # 223 for a list of appearances throughout the series.

The place near the Tuscany River where Cole and Joseph go kite flying is actually the former Riverfront Park (now Veterans Memorial Park) near the Napa River bridge on 3rd Street in downtown Napa, CA. The bridge was already used in # 105 (Chris and Cass) and will be used again in # 156 (Nicole) and # 164 (Lance). In the meantime, the park has gone through major redevelopment.
Edited scene: The scene when Maggie comes to Richard at the New Globe was originally longer.
It started on her entering the office, apologizing for interrupting, but he says it is a welcome break now that he cannot wander off to the race track anymore to get some distraction. Maggie notices something on his desk; it is an open box with a photo of Angela that just came back from framing. Maggie asks him if that is what keeps him going, and he replies: "Night and day." This part was filmed, but cut in post-production. The only thing that gives evidence of it is that a part of the box in which the framed photo was delivered is still visible on Richard's desk (yellow arrow) in a few frames. It will only be in # 143 that he pulls the framed picture of Angela out of a drawer and places it on his desk to always face his enemy.
Also during the scene with Maggie, right before she wants to leave and Richard follows her to the door, asking what is going on, he adds: "I've always had this sixth sense about you, Maggie. I can tell when you are in trouble." This part of the scene was edited in post-production also.
Early script drafts contained two omitted act 2 scenes:
  • In Kit's Del Oro suite, Richard demands that she give him a weekly report on Angela and Peter. She is displeased and demands that he get Dan Fixx off her back in return.
  • In the Agretti Residence study, Melissa and Eric discuss the progress at the building site of the Agretti Stavros Winery as well as what happened in the New Globe elevator (the scene in the previous episode).

Post-production mistake: The establishing shot of the Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion at night is one of the clips shot during the filming of the fire scene for # 103 (compare there), which includes the false gable that was specifically built and burnt down. The same mistake occurred in # 115 and 125 already.

Music score: In the scene when Maggie reads the "After Surgery" poem, MARK SNOW introduces "Maggie's Theme", a very characteristic score composed by him. He — and other music composers — will make use of that theme often in future scenes involving or referring to Maggie in this and the following season.
Edited scene: In the director's cut, "After Surgery" was longer. Originally, the final lines of the poem, which were cut in post-production, were as follows:

And then — goodbye.
Sleep softly.
Murmur sometimes, and I will
come to hush you in my dreams,
while all my days press forward, turning,
searching for another season."

The "After Surgery" poem was written by this episode's writer ERNIE WALLENGREN's mother, CLAIRE WHITAKER, who worked on the show herself in seasons 3 through 5. She had previously published the poem within her religious community, the Mormons, under her birth name, ORMA W. WALLENGREN. ERNIE got permission from his mother to use it in his script.
As Maggie is reading the poem to her family, a mysterious shadow casts across Vickie and the dining room table from the right to left of the frame (see yellow arrows). It is the boom microphone moving in the stage lights casting a reflection. It is so odd that even DANA SPARKS realized it while filming as you can see from her startled reaction when her eyes follow the shadow on the table.
Mistake in the scene with Maggie and the poem: While she is reading "After Surgery" to her family, her hair is wider on the sides and feathered. When Chase asks her where she found the poem, the camera cuts back to her, and suddenly her hair is closer to her head and not feathered anymore, appearing tighter; also, there is a large gap on her bangs, which was not there before. Her make-up looks a bit fresher as well. Production documents do not indicate that her last close-up would have been filmed separately so what appears to have happened is that her hair was dressed again and her make-up redone during various takes, and the last part of the scene must be from a different take, creating this continuity oddity.
This episode reveals that the Tuscany cowboy bar where Emma first met Dwayne (# 105) is named Crossley's.
The filming location for the interiors is different from the one in # 105 (see there) — it is a former western bar named Longhorn Saloon in Canoga Park, CA in Greater L.A., which no longer exists.

Uncredited extra DOUGLAS MAIDA appears as Dave in this episode again — this time, as a patron at Crossley's.
Compare # 224 for biographical details about this minor rôle and a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 034.

At Crossley's, the song "Could I Have This Dance" written by WAYLAND HOLYFIELD and BOB HOUSE is played. It was first performed by ANNE MURRAY in 1980, who won a Grammy award for it the following year.
Uncredited extra PAUL VAN appears in his usual rôle as the mustached Tuscany Valley doctor again — this time as a patron at Crossley's Honky Tonk. For his second appearance in this episode, see below.
Compare # 227 for biographical details about this minor rôle and a list of all his appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 001.
Early script drafts suggested as the act 3 opener a night scene in the Gioberti House living room: While Chase and Cole are investigating what is going on at Tuscany Downs, Vickie defiantly criticizes Maggie's honest decision to tell Chase that she got the "After Surgery" poem from Richard. When Vickie leaves to go out with Dan, Maggie starts to read a bedtime story to Joseph. He selects "Little Red Riding Hood". When she comes to the point where the girl in the fairytale wants to visit her grandmother, Joseph adds: "And grandpa. Grandmas aren't supposed to be alone." A very fitting comment, considering the current difficulties in Maggie and Chase's relationship. This scene was omitted.

The frequently filmed bend near Tuscany Downs (compare # 135) — the bend on the CBS-MTM backlot — is featured again.

Parts of the scene with the toxic waste dumped on the Tuscany Downs site (e.g. screen grabs 3 and 4), are identical with the similar scene in # 135. The other frames are from the same shooting filmed from a different POV with a different camera.
License plate of the third tanker truck of Franklin Waste Disposers (silver / blue 1973 GMC Medium Duty C-Series): 1F65217.
Just shortly after his first appearance in this episode (see above), uncredited extra PAUL VAN appears in his usual rôle as the mustached Tuscany Valley doctor again — now as a patron at the Del Oro restaurant.
Compare # 227 for biographical details about this minor rôle and a list of all his appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 001.
Uncredited extra BRUCE DOBOS appears in this episode again as the dark-haired man in his 30's — this time as a restaurant waiter at the Del Oro.
It is his last appearance on the show. He was featured in previous episodes (compare # 078, 091, 099, 114, 122 and 134).
For details about the extra, compare # 078.

The filming location for the restaurant at the Del Oro where Tony and Kit, Lance and Melissa and Eric and Dina are dining is the former Parkside Restaurant at the Warner Center Marriott Hotel in Woodland Hills, CA.

Early script drafts contained an act 3 night scene with Meredith sneaking into the master bedroom in Richard's house and slipping into his bed. She seduces him when he wakes up. This scene was omitted.
Prop inconsistency: The decoration (floral pattern) on the bed-head in Skylar's (Kit's) Del Oro suite is gone.
Early script drafts contained an act 3 scene with Angela holding the New Globe issue with the gossipy article about Vickie and Dan in the Del Oro lobby. She demands that Dan stop seeing Vickie. This scene was omitted.
The storyline about sailing to Australia for his leaving the show is WILLIAM R. MOSES' own idea after consulting with GARNER SIMMONS, a former writer and story editor of the show (seasons 1 through 3).
Inside joke: The name of the sailboat is "Free Will, Tuscany" — an allusion to WILLIAM freeing himself from the show after creative differences with the program's regime.
Original storyline drafts: Cole was supposed to die in a boating accident — or at least he was to be missed after a boating accident so the producers would be able to resurrect him later if necessary. But WILLIAM being unhappy with the suggestion, he and the producers agreed on a compromise. The seasonal bible's idea to have Cole move to the East Coast to live with Robin and Hope was also dropped.
The filming location for the farewell scene is a spot of Golden Gate Bridge from the Presidio Yacht Club (Travis Marina) near Fort Baker at the Golden Gate National Recreation Area in Sausalito, CA. Original location plans called for shooting at the Olympic Circle Yacht Club at the Berkeley Marina, but this idea was changed.
Season time frame:
At the end of # 136, Cole announced he will sail to Australia in 10 days. He leaves on day 3 of the current episode. Seven days must have gone by between day 2 and day 3 depicted in this episode. So it must be around the last week of August 1986 now.
Giving respect to this interpretation, Richard must be kidding saying that it is the cold and flu season.
The filming location for the partial outside finish of the Agretti Stavros Winery in this season is in the Napa Valley (screen grab 3). It is located on Highway 29 across the Robert Mondavi Winery. It is a different construction site from the one used at the end of season 5 (see # 126).
Inconsistency: Due to the use of different locations, the future winery seems to be a wooden structure comprising one story proper now whereas the site in # 126 featured a two-story concrete stucture (screen capture 2). It looks different from the blueprint and the rendering presented during the groundbreaking ceremony in # 124, too (screen capture 1); for the earlier mismatch between the floor plan and the rendering, compare # 124.
Fictional entity: Marco Congiu Contractors, phone number (707) 555-1477, is the company doing the construction of the winery.

Dan's car is a golden 1985 Chrysler LeBaron GTS.
It is, by the way, the same picture car that was used as Ronald Castle's vehicle earlier this episode as well as in # 135.

The Del Oro swimming pool is actually the Silverado Country Club pool (see # 130 for this filming location in particular).
Richard made a $ 55 million profit with his New Globe shares because of the stock going up five points on takeover rumors.

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