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# 122 <5.24> Unholy Alliances
(revised 07/08/2024)

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Script | Credits | Filming Locations

Tentative title: Couples, Matched and Mixed.
Deleted scene: When Angela leaves the Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion study after calling Sheriff Gilmore (act 1), Emma confronts her in the foyer. Angela now confesses to her that she had Dwayne's truck with Chase's wine shipment hijacked. She says she did not know that Emma would be there and apologizes for what happened. Emma forgives her. This scene was removed in post-production.
Mistake: For the night scene with the Giobertis discussing Angela's return, an old establishing shot of the Gioberti House is reused; it features their Mercedes-Benz 300 TD on the driveway with the old blue license plate although it was replaced with a white California plate in season 4. A wrong clip (shot during season 2 and first used in # 021) was selected in post-production.

Uncredited extra KEN CLAYTON participates as the brunette gentleman in his 50's again — this time at the Tuscany County Jail.
Compare # 182 for a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 072.


Uncredited extra BRUCE DOBOS appears in this episode again as the dark-haired man in his 30's — this time as a Tuscany Valley County Deputy at the Tuscany County Jail.
Compare # 137 for a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 078.


The interiors of the Tuscany County Jail are portrayed by the Malibu Courthouse in Malibu, CA.

The number of Angela's inmate photo at the Tuscany County Jail is 976530300 86.
The last six figures are the date of the mug shot. The figures on the mug shot board are on adjustable thumb wheels. Mistake: The 10th figure of this 12-figure number is missing because the prop master or set dresser obviously forgot to rotate the thumb wheel, resulting in a blank space. Thus, the date reads: "300 86", i.e. 30/0(?)]/1986. This date does not make any sense at all because there is no such thing as a 30th month, and the day is missing completely.
Inside joke: In contrast to JANE WYMAN, Angela Channing hates smoking as the scene with Angela in jail illustrates.
Edited scene: The scene with Angela and the hooker in jail was originally longer. In the director's cut, Angela is harrassed by the hooker and asked why she is in there. When Angela replies "first degree murder", the hooker leaves her alone. This part of the scene was cut in post-production.
Early script drafts suggested for the end of act 1 the visit of a triumphant Melissa with Angela in the jail. This idea was omitted in rewrites.
The phone number of the Tuscany Valley Real Estate Agency helping Jeff find the cabin is (707) 555-3741.
The cabin Jeff rents is the western side of a former exterior set named Duchess Ranch at CBS-MTM STUDIOS (now RADFORD STUDIO CENTER) near the heavily filmed bend behind stage 4 (see # 084 for details); the front of the set will be used as Dan Fixx's home and another house in seasons 6 and 7 as well as the Ortega home in season 8.
Click here for a sketch of the multi-purpose use of this exterior set and its surroundings. LORIMAR's original map of this part of the studio lot is available for DFCF members in the Show – Production Office – Filming Locations – Movie Studios – Exterior Sets section.
Due to massive reconstructions on the studio lot, the set is no longer there nowadays.
Real estate agent Mrs. Prentiss' car is a gray 1979 Cadillac Seville.
Jeff drives an orange / black 1974 Dodge Colt Coupé.

Lighting crew's mistake: In the scene with Jeff in his cabin, reflections of the studio lights can be seen in the upper left corner of the screen.

Jeff's gift to Maggie is an English first edition of DANTE's "Divine Comedy". DANTE ALIGHIERI (1265 – 1321) is Jeff's favorite author besides Maggie.
Season time frame:
The last two figures of the number on Angela's inmate photo (86; see above) indicate the year.
Some time must have gone by between the scene with Angela and Peter in the Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion foyer and their wedding.

The Malibu Courthouse in Malibu, CA is also used as the filming location for the interiors of both the Tuscany County Jail and the Tuscany County Courthouse in this episode (besides as the location for the Tuscany County Jail; see above).

Uncredited extra JACK DOUGLASS appears in this episode again — this time as a Tuscany Valley County Deputy at the entrance to the courtroom at the Tuscany County Courthouse during Angela's trial.
Compare # 130 for a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 032.
Early script drafts contained an act 2 scene in which Chase and Richard wish D.A. Caroline Earle good luck near the door to the courtroom shortly before Angela's trial begins. This scene was omitted in rewrites.
Uncredited extra SHARRI ZAK appears as the gray-haired Tuscany Valley socialite with the pony tail again; this episode among the spectators in the courtroom during Angela's trial.
Compare # 202 for biographical details about this rôle and a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 009.
DAVID GUST, the tall, black-haired and mustached uncredited extra, who is best known for his rôle as an assistant district attorney (# 091, 092 and 154), but who also plays different characters in the series, is a spectator in Angela's trial in this episode.
Compare # 187 for a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 063.

Uncredited extra GAYLE FRANK plays the court stenographer again — this time in Angela's criminal trial at the Tuscany County Courthouse.
Compare # 215 for a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 017.

Different versions in the sneak preview and the scene itself: The sneak preview of the moment when Angela provocatively "rejects" Peter in the Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion foyer is from a different take than the scene itself. This becomes obvious because Angela turns round at the end of her dialog in the sneak preview followed by a cut to Peter. In the scene itself, however, the camera remains on Angela who stays in the foyer.
The Tuscany Valley Mission (another Catholic church in the valley) where Angela and Peter get married is the real San Fernando Mission Rey de España in Mission Hills, CA north of Los Angeles. In # 154, this mission will be used again as a Swiss convent (see there).
This wedding was originally intended to take place in the previous version of # 119. Early drafts of that previous version said that Angela wanted to get married there because it was the church where her grandparents, Joseph and Tessa, had gotten married. Unfortunately, this little detail was not included in the final version of the current episode.
After the 1994 Northridge Earthquake, San Fernando Mission had to be renovated completely. The previous main altar had to be replaced by a new one in baroque style.
Different camera angles in the sneak preview and the scene itself: The moment when Angela exchanges her wedding vows with Peter is a close-up in the preview, but a wide angle shot in the scene itself.
Deleted scene: Act 3 originally opened on Chao-Li taking the last two suitcases for Angela and Peter's honeymoon towards the door when Lance descends the stairs, saying he will drive them to the airport because he has to go to KBRR anyway. This scene was removed in post-production.
Mistake: In the scene with Cole, Chase and Richard at the Tuscany Downs Turf Club, Cole is just about to lean against the glass partition around Richard's table with both hands in his pants pockets while he is looking down in Richard's direction in the close-up. But in the subsequent far shot, he is now looking in Chase's direction and only his right hand is in his pocket; he is also farther away from the glass divider.
In the usual process of making a movie or a TV show, scenes are shot at least twice — as a wide angle shot and in close-up, which bears the risk of inconsistencies. Compare # 001 (Chase and Maggie at the Gioberti Family Cemetery) for the advantages and disadvantages of this shooting procedure.
Jill Harris' society columns in the newspaper mentions "Last Tango in Paris", the movie by BERNARDO BERTOLUCCI, as Emma reads at the breakfast table.

The interior set for Dr. Kramer's office consists of elements (walls and doors) of the KRDC / KBRR radio station office, which was used until the previous episode.

Deleted scene: In the director's cut, act 3 culminates in a scene at the Gioberti Winery at night: At Dwayne's request, Maggie comes to the winery to sign a shipping manifest because neither Chase nor Cole was available. When Dwayne drives off, Maggie hears some strange noises, including the scrape of leather soles of shoes on the concrete floor and a bottle breaking. The lights go out, and nobody reacts to her when she asks if anyone is there. She finally threatens to call the sheriff and runs from the winery, fleeing into the night towards the Gioberti House. Unbeknownst to her, Jeff Wainwright steps into sight between the barrel rows, looking dreamily after Maggie. This scene was removed in post-production.
Early script drafts staged the scene with Julia and Richard in his New Globe office in which they discuss her options of a retrial or being pardoned, in the Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion during a vist that Richard pays to Julia. The location was changed in rewrites.
Cameraman's mistake: When Maggie is anxiously waiting for Chase in the Gioberti House, parts of the filming crew's equipment (placed on the stairway) can be seen moving in the mirror in the foyer.
The aforementioned scene was originally staged in the Gioberti House bedroom in early script drafts. This idea was changed in rewrites.

Uncredited extra DOUGLAS MAIDA appears as Dave in this episode again — as usual, as a Tuscany Downs Turf Club waiter.
Compare # 224 for biographical details about this minor rôle and a list of appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 034.

Early script drafts staged the scene with Lance and Jordan (Monica) at a bar in San Franscisco. The choice of the Tuscany Downs Turf Club was made in rewrites.
Mistake: In the scene with "Monica" and Lance at the Tuscany Downs Turf Club, the position of the cocktail stick in her hand changes in subsequent frames. This happens quite a few times during the scene (just one example is pictured here).
In the usual process of making a movie or a TV show, scenes are shot at least twice — as a wide angle shot and in close-up, which bears the risk of inconsistencies. Compare # 001 (Chase and Maggie at the Gioberti Family Cemetery) for the advantages and disadvantages of this shooting procedure.

Uncredited extra KEVIN G. TRACEY appears as the thick-eyebrowed Tuscany Valley gentleman again — this time as a patron at the Tuscany Downs Turf Club.
Compare # 185 for a list of all his appearances throughout the series.
For details about the extra, compare # 001.


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