Dec 31, 2022:
40th anniversary of the original airing of Founders Day (# 030 <2.12> "...Divided We Fall")
Site Update — Specials:
Dec 23, 2022:
Site Update:
Dec 4, 2022:
41st anniversary of the series première
Site Update — Specials:
- www.falconcrest.org: new homepage cover picture
- Behind the Scenes information updated again:
- Season 2:
- # 040 <2.22> — audio commentary for the season 2 finale by THOMAS J. PUCHER; faulty film position of the establishing shot of the Gioberti House (NTSC version); alternate version of the scene with Melissa, Lance and Angela in the Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion study
- Fan Club – Specials – 2022 Meetings added
Site Update:
- Scripts: # 182 added to the Chao-Li Chi Memorial Library

- Behind the Scenes information updated again:
- Season 1:
- # 001 <1.01> — mistake in the scene with Chao-Li entering the Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion with the suitcases; mistake in the scene with Chase and Maggie meeting Gus and his family at the Gioberti Family Cemetery; Phillip's sentence about the unity of Falcon Crest in the scene in the Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion study looped; faulty film position of the establishing shot of the Falcon Crest Winery Building (PAL version)
- # 012 <1.12> — light reflector used while filming the scene at the Gioberti Family Cemetery; mistake in the scene with Emma and Jacqueline at the Gioberti Family Cemetery
- # 018 <1.18> — mistake in the scene with Chase and Angela in the Tuscany County Courthouse foyer
- Season 2:
- # 019 <2.01> — mistake in the scene with Phillip and Angela on Nob Hill in San Francisco
- Season 3:
- # 045 <3.05> — stunt doubles for ROBERT FOXWORTH, WILLIAM R. MOSES and SUSAN SULLIVAN in the Falcon Crest Cooperage
- Season 7:
- # 163 <7.08> — interior set of the Tuscany County Jail; different takes in the sneak preview and the scene with Lance hitting Frank Starr at Nick's Diner
- # 164 <7.09> — different takes in the recap and in the scene with Richard and Hopkins in Channing Nevada in the previous episode; SHAHRAD VOSSOUGHI; product placement: Perrier-Jouët Champagne; GEORGE SASAKI
- # 165 <7.10> — fictional entity: Transcon; inside joke: ribbon cockade for Maggie's wine
- # 166 <7.11> — SHARRI ZAK (three additional notes); GEORGE SASAKI (third note); different takes in the sneak preview and the scene with Maggie and Richard in the sitting room at his home; different takes in the sneak preview and the scene with Liz and the alleged ninja assailant at the stadium
- Season 8:
- # 185 <8.02> — tapestry on the Tuscany Valley Inn terrace
- Cast Credits: seasons 1 through 7 updated again
- Staff & Crew Credits: seasons 1 through 7 updated again
- Production Data – Episode by Episode
: seasons 1 through 7 updated again
- Vehicle Database updated: # 061 through 068 added
Release Date:
2023 DFCF Calendar
Nov 1, 2022:
2023 DFCF Calendar —
to be ordered by 11/08/2022;
release date: 12/11/2022.
Site Update:
- Scripts: # 181 added to the Chao-Li Chi Memorial Library

- Behind the Scenes information updated again:
- Season 5:
- # 127 <5.29> — mistake in the scene with the broken wine vat in the Falcon Crest Winery Building towards the end of the earthquake; two mistakes in the scene with Jordan near the patrol car
- Season 6:
- # 128 <6.01> — mistake in the scene in Michael's nursery in Richard's house
- # 155 <6.28> — different takes in the recap and the scenes with Kit in the courtroom in the previous episode; fictional entity: Transcon; different takes in the sneak preview and the scene with Melissa, Kevin and the Latin ship captain; TCP on Peter's rental limo; hood of the Volvo opened in preparation for the dive into the bay
- Season 7:
- # 156 <7.01> — mistake in the scene with Angela and Nicole in the Del Oro lobby; JOE STONE (second note); stolen Volvo (different picture car)
- # 157 <7.02> — mistake in the scene with Lance and Melissa at the Agretti Residence pool
- # 158 <7.03> — product placement: Richard's Fila sports outfit; mistake in the scene with Richard and Eric at the Del Oro tennis court; Dan's sports coat
- # 159 <7.04> — different takes in the recap and the scene with Angela asking Maggie about the loan in the previous episode; LENNART JAKELL; Dish Liquid; Fiorno Brothers; wall decoration in Eric and Vickie's Del Oro suite
- # 161 <7.06> — different takes in the sneak preview and the scene with Richard in Channing Nevada; product placement: Wilson tennis racket
- # 162 <7.07> — mistake in the scene with Richard and his security guard in the Del Oro lobby
- # 183 <7.28> — mistake in the scene with Melissa and Lance in the Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion study
- Cast Credits: seasons 1 through 7 updated again
- Staff & Crew Credits: seasons 1 through 7 updated again
- Production Data – Episode by Episode
: seasons 1 through 7 updated again
- Filming Locations – Movie Studios – Interior Sets
: blueprints added: Permanent Sets – Dr. Beth Everdene's Practice (# 176 – 178)
- In Memoriam... (Cast) updated: RON MĀSAK
Oct 10, 2022:
2023 DFCF Calendar —
to be ordered by 11/08/2021;
release date: 12/11/2022.
Site Update:
- Scripts: # 180 added to the Chao-Li Chi Memorial Library

- Behind the Scenes information updated again:
- Season 1:
- # 001 <1.01> — Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion interior set — inconsistency: three steps leading from the front entrance down into the foyer
- Season 2:
- # 040 <2.22> — guest armchairs in Jacqueline's office
- Season 3:
- # 050 <1.10> — script: Richard's line about congratulatory flowers for Maggie
- Season 4:
- # 072 <4.04> — inside joke: Richard's line including "Ph.D."
- Season 5:
- # 101 <5.03> — inside joke: PLATO bust in the sitting room of Richard's house
- # 121 <5.23> — Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion interior set — inconsistency: missing steps from the driveway to the veranda (more details and sectional elevation drawing)
- Season 6:
- # 144 <6.17> — different takes in the recap and the scene with Garth and his heartful congratulations for Richard in the previous episode; product placement: Dreyer's ice cream; LARRY HUMBURGER (first note); "Ben-Hur"; DAVID GUST (first note); SHIRLEY ANTHONY (second note); SHARRI ZAK (fourth note)
- # 145 <6.18> — mistake in the scene with Angela in the Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion study
- # 146 <6.19> — inside joke: names on blood specimens (more details); different takes in the sneak preview and the scene with Gabrielle and Roland at the Del Oro; different takes in the sneak preview and the scene with Angela and Roland at the Del Oro
- # 147 <6.20> — license plate number of the Tuscany Land Company's Mercedes-Benz S-Class
- # 148 <6.21> — different takes in the recap and the scene with Eric seeing Melissa with the ax; WALTER M. SPEAR (two notes)
- # 149 <6.22> — product placement: Prince Pro tennis racket
- # 151 <6.24> — different takes in the recap and the scene with Tony being arrested in the Tuscany County Jail; picture in Peter's Del Oro suite; mistake in the scene with Angela and Dan in the Del Oro lobby; "Coffee, Tea or Me?"
- # 152 <6.26> — product placement: Lipton, Cucamonga
- # 154 <6.27> — different takes in the sneak preview and the scene with Melissa and Dan in front of his house; cameraman's mistake: studio light above the courthouse hallway; interior set of Susan's (Kit's) bedroom in the flashback
- Season 7:
- # 156 <7.01> — early script drafts: Angela breaking into Len Potts' office; edited scene and changes while shooting: Richard and Garth in the sitting room of Richard's house
- # 177 <7.22> — early script drafts: Richard's line at the Gioberti Family Cemetery
- Cast Credits: seasons 3 through 7 updated again
- Production Data – Episode by Episode
: seasons 3 through 7 updated again
- Vehicle Database updated: # 056 through 061 added
- Beyond the Show – Props – License Plates: 247 PCE (seasons 1 and 2) in "Cutter's Way" (1981)
- In Memoriam... (Cast) updated: SAM HAGGIN; CLEMENT ST. GEORGE
Sept 12, 2022:
Site Update:
- Scripts: # 179 added to the Chao-Li Chi Memorial Library

- Behind the Scenes information updated again:
- Season 2:
- # 040 <2.22> — mistake towards the end of the confession scene (Phillip grabbing Julia's arm)
- Season 5:
- # 127 <5.29> — new license plate of Melissa's Chevrolet Corvette Targa C4; PAUL VAN
- Season 6:
- # 128 <6.01> — KSFB 3 News; NICK STEVENS; more people in Peter's address notebook; JACK DOUGLASS
- # 129 <6.02> — product placement: Wilson tennis racket; MacGregor tennis racket
- # 130 <6.03> — license plate number of Jeff's Chevrolet K-Series truck; PAUL VAN
- # 131 <6.04> — PAUL VAN
- # 132 <6.05> — picture across from the door to Kit's suite at the Del Oro; license plate number of Bloom's Fort LTD Crown Victoria
- # 133 <6.06> — Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion study set
- # 134 <6.07> — product placement: Wilson tennis rackets; new license plate number of Cole's Jeep Wagoneer
- # 135 <6.08> — Cole's shirt
- # 136 <6.09> — Volvo 242 DL (first note); product placement: Richard's Fila tennis outfit; DAVID GUST (first note)
- # 137 <6.10> — edited scene: background info why Angela covers her ears during the séance at Karlotti's; PAUL VAN (first note); license plate of the third Tanklasters von Franklin Waste Disposers
- # 138 <6.11> — LARRY HUMBURGER
- # 139 <6.12> — Volvo 242 DL; SHARRI ZAK; inside joke: crew members' names on the board in Dan's Del Oro office
- # 140 <6.13> — prop mistake: name badge of the nurse at the Queen of the Valley Hospital — Tuscany Valley Medical Center; SHARRI ZAK; ROBERTA STORM (two notes)
- # 141 <6.14> — different takes in the recap and the scene with Mark and Chase in the previous episode; Wade's Wintergreen
- # 142 <6.15> — SHARRI ZAK; Brown (Green's accomplice) recast (more details); mistake in the scene with Lance and Tony in the den at the Agretti Residence
- Season 7:
- # 160 <7.05> — LESLIE HOFFMAN as stunt double for LESLEY WOODS
- Season 8:
- # 184 <8.01> — Angela's outfit
- Season 9:
- # 206 <9.01> — deleted scene: Maggie's first visit with Richard in prison
- Cast Credits: seasons 1 through 6 updated again
- Production Data – Episode by Episode
: seasons 1 through 6 updated again
- Filming Locations – Movie Studios – Interior Sets
: blueprints added: Permanent Sets – Hotel Österreichischer Hof, Geneva / Switzerland – Eric and Vickie Stavros' Suite (# 174)
- In Memoriam... (Cast) updated: GENE LE BELL
Aug 15, 2022:
Site Update:
- Scripts: # 178 added to the Chao-Li Chi Memorial Library

- Behind the Scenes information updated again:
- Season 3:
- # 043 <3.03> — Richard's "Prince of Wales" sports coat
- # 050 <4.10> — Richard's "Prince of Wales" sports coat
- Season 4:
- # 098 <4.30> — Richard's "Prince of Wales" sports coat (two notes)
- Season 5:
- # 101 <5.03> — roe deer sculpture in the Agretti Residence den
- # 103 <5.05> — MARTHA MANOR
- # 116 <5.18> — make and model of Sofia's car; prop mistake: street number at the Stavros Château gate
- # 117 <5.19> — make and model of the car in front of Harry's Hide-away Adult Motel; make and model of the forklift in Tijuana / Mexico; make and model of the IP Trucking truck in Tijuana / Mexico
- # 118 <5.20> — KEVIN TRACEY (second note); DAVID GUST; Congoleum Classic
- # 119 <5.21> — Wade's Wintergreen; LARRY HUMBURGER (two notes); GORDON HODGINS (second note); backdrop behind the Gioberti House front door
- # 120 <5.22> — cameraman's mistake: missing ceiling in the Tuscany Downs Turf Club set; NICK STEVENS
- # 121 <5.23> — walls in the interior set of the Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion study not put in their exact places; RAY POURCHOT
- # 123 <5.25> — SHARRI ZAK; LARRY HUMBURGER (three notes); props: chairs at the restaurant in the Tuscany Valley
- # 125 <5.27> — mistake in the scene with Li-Ying expressing her wish to stay in the U.S.
- # 127 <5.29> — make and model of Sheriff Gilmore's patrol car; BETTY JEANNE GLENNIE; identification code of the patrol car in which Jeff is to be taken to the psychiatric ward
- Season 9:
- # 214 <9.09> — punctuation error in the episode title; stunt double for ROD TAYLOR (more details)
- Cast Credits: seasons 1 through 9 updated again
- Production Data – Episode by Episode
: seasons 1 through 9 updated again
- Vehicle Database updated: # 050 through 055 added
- In Memoriam... (Cast) updated: CLU GULAGER; PENELOPE WINDUST
- Beyond the Show:
July 18, 2022:
Site Update:
- Scripts: # 177 added to the Chao-Li Chi Memorial Library

- Behind the Scenes information updated again:
- Season 4:
- # 092 <4.24> — mistake in the scene with Emma, Damon and the waiter at Luccio's
- Season 5:
- # 101 <5.03> — edited scene: Maggie's visit with Richard at KRDC
- # 105 <5.07> — product placement: 3M
- # 106 <5.08> — different footage of Emma in the sneak preview and the scene itself on the Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion veranda; KATHRYN JANSSEN
- # 107 <5.09> — product placement: Scotch recording tapes
- # 108 <5.10> — mistake in the courtroom scene; chairs in the room where Sofia and Philippe are having breakfast
- # 109 <5.11> — Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion study set; product placement: Perrier-Jouët
- # 110 <5.12> — "Red Light Romeo" by JON LIND; DAVID GUST
- # 113 <5.15> — mistake in the scene with Richard and Ernie in the New Globe executive office; different footage in the sneak preview and in the scene itself shortly before Julia arrives in the Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion; GORDON HODGINS
- # 114 <5.16> — mistake in the scene at the Gioberti Winery loading dock
- # 115 <5.17> — DAVID GUST (two notes)
- # 127 <5.29> — mistake in the scene with Julia and Angela at Julia's arrival in the Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion; more details about objects not shaking or falling during the quake: statue in Richard's house, pictures and plant in the Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion foyer
- Season 6:
- # 130 <6.03> — Peter's suit
- Cast Credits: seasons 4 and 5 updated again
- Production Data – Episode by Episode
: seasons 4 and 5 updated again
- Filming Locations – Movie Studios – Interior Sets
: blueprints added: Permanent Sets – Tuscany County Courthouse – Judge Pat Ambrose's Chambers (# 175)
- Beyond the Show: References added:
- "Nothing Like You ("When You're Gone)"
- "The Boys"
In Memoriam... (Cast) updated: PHILIP BAKER HALL; GREGORY ITZIN
June 6, 2022:
Site Update:
- Scripts: # 176 added to the Chao-Li Chi Memorial Library

- Behind the Scenes information updated again:
- Season 2:
- # 032 <2.14> — MARTHA MANOR
- Season 3:
- # 046 <4.06> — inside joke: RICHARD VENTURE's guest rôle in "The Thorn Birds"
- # 065 <3.25> — picture in the hallway to the conference room at the Whitewood Industries headquarters; original names for Scott's fellow deputies; MARTHA MANOR; KEVIN TRACEY
- # 067 <3.27> — mistake in the scene at the Spring House after Melissa and Cole left with Joseph
- Season 4:
- # 069 <4.01> — shoulder patches of the Sheriff's Department at the rescue site; fictional entity: New York Chronicle
- # 071 <4.03> — filming location for the Tuscany Valley gas station and car wash (Pamela)
- # 074 <4.06> — SIAN BARBARA ALLEN; desk in Herb Boutilier's office
- # 076 <4.08> — Sergeant Paterson's shoulder patches
- # 077 <4.09> — mistake in the scene with Richard and Francesca at the Tuscany Downs Turf Club; KATHRYN JANSSEN
- # 079 <4.11> — GORDON HODGINS
- # 081 <4.13> — DAVID GUST (first note added); Maggie's V-neck pullover
- # 083 <4.15> — different takes in the sneak preview and the scene itself (Lance and Ralph)
- # 085 <4.17> — SHIRLEY ANTHONY; mistake in the scene with Dr. Lee Walkling at Cyrano's; JACK DOUGLASS
- # 089 <4.21> — PAUL VAN
- # 090 <4.22> — announcement before the main title
- # 093 <4.25> — WALTER M. SPEAR
- # 094 <4.26> — PAUL VAN
- # 095 <4.27> — RAY POURCHOT; backdrop behind the Gioberti House front door
- # 097 <4.29> — RAY POURCHOT; SHIRLEY ANTHONY (second note)
- # 098 <4.30> — LENNART JAKELL (first note); interior set of Marc Lansing's office at Unified Soft Drink; DAVID GUST
- Season 5:
- # 099 <5.01> — ink drawing of the Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion for the show logo (picture added); KSFB 3; footage of the reporters asking Chase at the QVH in the episode and the sneak preview in the syndicated version; Angela's blouse
- # 106 <5.08> — desk in Chase's office in the Gioberti Estate Guest House
- Season 7:
- # 176 <7.21> — picture in Kathryn's apartment
- # 183 <7.28> — Angela's outfit in Europe
- Cast Credits: seasons 1 through 5 updated again
- Interview with THOM ADCOX added
- Production Office – Making of updated: information about the visible frame in the final cut added to the post-production paragraph
- Production Data – Episode by Episode
: seasons 1 through 5 updated again
- Location Database
: # 071 updated
- Vehicle Database updated: # 041 through 049 added
- Beyond the Show – Identical Names:
- Mystique
- New York Chronicle
- Wade's Wintergreen
- "DVD & Streaming" section renamed "Media" and restructured
- Media – Streaming: information about additional footage added to seasons 2 through 4 and 8; information about sneak previews before the end credits added to seasons 7 through 9
May 2, 2022:
Site Update:
- Scripts: # 175 added to the Chao-Li Chi Memorial Library

- Behind the Scenes information updated again:
- Season 2:
- # 037 <2.17> — cameraman's mistake: greenbeds of the sound stage above Richard's New Globe office visible
- # 040 <2.22> — interior set of Jacqueline's Whitewood Industries office
- Season 3:
- # 044 <3.04> — mistake in the scene with Emma, nurse Winslow and a patient at the Tuscany Valley Hospital
- # 048 <3.08> — fictional entity: East - West Moving Company
- # 050 <3.10> — GEORGE SASAKI
- # 051 <3.11> — ROBERTA STORM; product placement: Sunlight
- # 052 <3.12> — ROBERTA STORM
- # 053 <3.13> — BENJIE BANCROFT
- # 054 <3.13> — product placement: American Woman; filming location for Smith, Plenn & Hogstedt
- # 056 <3.16> — backdrop in Chase's supervisorial office at the Tuscany County Building
- # 057 <3.17> — filming location for Hobson's men's clothes store
- # 063 <3.23> — KEVIN TRACEY; DAVID GUST (first note)
- # 064 <3.24> — product placement: Datamedix cardiac monitor; DAVID GUST
- Season 4:
- # 071 <4.03> — desk in Gustav's office; pictures in Gustav's office
- # 077 <4.09> — picture in Gustav's office
- Season 5:
- # 099 <5.01> — typeface in the show logo; special logo for this episode
- # 100 <5.02> — new show logo; sideboard in the Agretti Residence den
- # 110 <5.12> — walls in the interior set of the Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion study not put in their exact places; mistake in the scene with Angela and Greg in the Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion study; mistake in the scene with Angela and Chase in front of the Gianinni Winery
- # 113 <5.15> — mistake in the scene with Jordan and Richard in his New Globe office; prop mistake: Jordan's name misspelled in the New Globe draft layout
- # 114 <5.16> — prop mistake: empty boxes of wine when the truck is loaded at the Gioberti Winery; LARRY HUMBURGER; mistake in the scene with Angela and Chao-Li in the Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion study
- # 115 <5.17> — second mistake in the scene with Chris and Lance at the harbor in San Francisco; different footage of Jordan and Greg in the scene at the San Francisco cemetery in the episode and the sneak preview at the end of # 114
- # 116 <5.18> — different footage (Emma vs. Chase and Maggie) in the scene in the hotel on Kauai in the episode and the sneak preview at the end of # 115; mistake in the scene with Harmon and Terry at the Tuscany Downs Turf Club; stunt double for CESAR ROMERO
- # 117 <5.19> — mistake in the scene at the Stavros Château shortly before leaving for the Tuscany Valley
- # 118 <5.20> — Maggie's reaction to Jeff complimenting her on her book dubbed; improvisation in the passionate sex scene between Richard and Terry
- # 120 <5.22> — mistake in the scene with Jordan and Terry at Jordan's apartment; mistake in the scene with Jordan and Richard in his New Globe office
- # 121 <5.23> — Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion set — inconsistency (steps to and on the veranda); mistake in the scene with Peter and Emma at the Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion entrance
- # 122 <5.24> — mistake in the scene with Cole, Chase and Richard at the Tuscany Downs Turf Club
- # 123 <5.25> — mistake in the scene with Lance and Greg in the Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion foyer; mistake in Li-Ying's arrival scene; mistake in the scene with Maggie and Chase about the article in the Boston Evening Examiner
- # 124 <5.26> — Baron and Baroness von Himmel; mistake in the scene with Chao-Li, Li-Ying and Lance in the Falcon Crest workout room; mistake in the scene with Maggie and Terry in the Gioberti House kitchen; mistake in the scene with Angela in Peter in the Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion study; different footage in the scene at the Tuscany Lakeside Marina in the episode and the sneak preview at the end of # 123; mistakes in the scene at the Tuscany Lakeside Marina; prop mistake: mismatch between floor plan and drawing of the Agretti Stavros Winery
- # 127 <5.29> — prop: black vase in the sitting room in Richard's house
- Season 6:
- # 128 <6.01> — typeface in the show's logo
- # 129 <6.02> — Aca Joe; mistake in the scene with Chase, Vickie, Maggie and Cole in the Gioberti House living room
- # 130 <6.03> — mistake in the scene with Maggie and Vickie in the Gioberti House front yard
- # 131 <6.04> — mistake in the scene with Angela and the caterers; mistake in the scene with Melissa and Eric during the Del Oro opening party
- # 142 <6.15> — mistake in the scene with Angela and Melissa at the Queen of the Valley Hospital; establishing shot of Kallos (more details)
- # 154 <6.27> — oddity concerning KIM NOVAK's credit
- Season 7:
- # 160 <7.05> — establishing shot of Peter's yacht (filming location and other details)
- # 183 <7.28> — cliffhanger filmed with DAVID SELBY
- Season 9:
- # 206 <9.01> — typeface in the show's logo
- Cast Credits: seasons 1 through 4 updated again
- Production Data – Episode by Episode
: seasons 1 through 4 updated again
- Location Database
: # 054, 057 and 160 updated
- Filming Locations – Movie Studios – Interior Sets
: blueprints added: Permanent Sets – Tuscany County Courthouse – Judge Randolph P. Winthrop's Chambers (# 057)
- Beyond the Show – Props:
- Set Dressing:
- Desk (Sharpe Capital Ventures — Michael Sharpe's Secretary; season 9) in "Paper Dolls"
- Dining Room Chairs (Gioberti House; season 1) in "North and South"
- Picture Cars: Horse Buggy in "Paper Dolls"
April 4, 2022:
Current Information:
"The Share"
(link to external website):
An interactive evening with SUSAN SULLIVAN and DAVID SELBY was presented by the Smartphone Theatre via Zoom on March 18, 2022.
It included two monologues dealing with the death of one's parents — "They Don't Call Me Sarah for Nothing" by DAVID SELBY and "My Father, Myself... and 'the Feeling'" by SUSAN SULLIVAN.
A recording is available on YouTube through the above link.
Site Update:
- Scripts: # 173 added to the Chao-Li Chi Memorial Library

- Behind the Scenes information updated again:
- Season 1:
- # 001 <1.01> — Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion interior set – inconsistency: wallpaper in the foyer
- Season 2:
- # 026 <2.08> — BETTY JEANNE GLENNIE
- # 029 <2.11> — BETTY JEANNE GLENNIE
- # 030 <2.12> — BETTY JEANNE GLENNIE
- # 033 <2.15> — BETTY JEANNE GLENNIE
- # 034 <2.16> — BETTY JEANNE GLENNIE
- # 035 <2.17> — BETTY JEANNE GLENNIE
- # 036 <2.18> — filming location for the park in Tuscany; Chevrolet in Chinatown in San Francisco
- Season 3:
- # 042 <3.01> — license plate number 963 XUJ; Roche cardiac monitor
- # 045 <3.05> — BETTY JEANNE GLENNIE
- # 053 <3.13> — BETTY JEANNE GLENNIE
- # 058 <3.18> — BETTY JEANNE GLENNIE
- # 065 <3.25> — BETTY JEANNE GLENNIE
- # 066 <3.26> — BETTY JEANNE GLENNIE
- Season 4:
- # 073 <4.05> — BETTY JEANNE GLENNIE
- # 088 <4.20> — BETTY JEANNE GLENNIE
- # 089 <4.21> — mistake in the scene with Joseph in the Gioberti House; mistake in the scene with Angela reaching at Melissa's wedding dress; mistake in Greg's position in Melissa and Cole's wedding; mistake in Richard's position in the scene between him and Lorraine in his KRDC office
- # 090 <4.22> — real-life allusiuon: "Dear Abby"
- # 091 <4.23> — BETTY JEANNE GLENNIE
- # 092 <4.24> — BETTY JEANNE GLENNIE
- # 096 <4.28> — "Mares Eat Oats"; "Beat It" by MICHAEL JACKSON; mistake in the scene with Richard and Pamela in the San Francisco Metropolitan Hospital corridor
- # 097 <4.29> — mistake in the scene with Richard and Pamela in the Webster Wine & Storage office
- # 098 <4.30> — edited scene: Angela's line in her meeting with Bradford Linton, Richard, Chase and Greg; shadow on Anna's face in the scene with her, Cass, Emma, Greg and Angela in the Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion study
- Season 5:
- # 099 <5.01> — details about this season's recaps and sneak previews before the main title; mistake in the scene with Greg and Angela at the cemetery in Marysville; fictional entity: Inquisitor Magazine; different footage of Angela and Greg in the scene at the cemetery in Marysville in the episode and the sneak preview in the syndicated version
- # 100 <5.02> — mistake in the scene with Greg and Angela in the Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion study
- # 101 <5.03> — mistake in the scene with Angela and Greg in the Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion study
- # 102 <5.04> — different footage of Richard and Jordan in the scene in his KRDC office in the episode and the sneak preview at the end of # 101; Cole's misremembering when Maggie shows him an old photo; abnormality in Sheriff Gilmore's patrol car; Chase's reaction to Riley's appearance at the Gianinni Winery dubbed; lighting mistake: light under the Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion front door; Charcoal Starter
- # 103 <5.05> — mistake in the scene with Angela and Emma on the Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion veranda; mistake in the scene with Angela and Julia on the grounds of Convent Magdalena
- # 104 <5.06> — LENNART JAKELL
- # 105 <5.07> — Chris' line dubbed in his scene with Cass near the river
- # 106 <5.08> — mistake in the scene with Chao-Li and Angela in the Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion foyer; audio continuity error (Richard) in the scene in the Tuscany Downs Turf Club; mistake in the scene with Terry and Costello in the Tuscany Downs Turf Club
- # 107 <5.09> — mistake in the scene with Angela, Emma and Greg in the Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion study; editing mistake in Melissa's reaction in the episode cliffhanger
- # 119 <5.21> — mistakes in the scene with Robin, Cole and Hope in the Agretti Residence study; BETTY JEANNE GLENNIE (two notes); product placement: Bufferin Aspirin; prop mistake: Angela's date of birth in her passport
- # 121 <5.23> — BETTY JEANNE GLENNIE (two notes)
- # 127 <5.29> — sneak preview before the main title; different footage of Dwayne in the earthquake scene in the episode and the sneak preview at the end of # 126; mistakes in the scene with Lance and Eric falling on the stairway in the Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion; shortened segment when Eric and Lance land on the floor during the quake; no pieces falling on DANIEL GREENE's stunt double
- Season 6:
- # 128 <6.01> — recap: additional footage of Lance and Eric falling on the stairway in the Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion; mistake in the scene with Eric in front of the Falcon Crest Winery Building; mistake in the scene with Cole, Melissa and Joseph during the aftershock; mistake in the scene with Sabrina and Michael at Terry's funeral
- # 131 <6.04> — BETTY JEANNE GLENNIE
- # 144 <6.17> — BETTY JEANNE GLENNIE
- # 145 <6.18> — BETTY JEANNE GLENNIE
- # 147 <6.20> — BETTY JEANNE GLENNIE
- Season 7:
- # 163 <7.08> — BETTY JEANNE GLENNIE
- # 164 <7.09> — BETTY JEANNE GLENNIE
- # 169 <7.14> — BETTY JEANNE GLENNIE
- Season 8:
- # 184 <8.01> — error in the show's title font
- Cast Credits: seasons 1 through 7 updated again
- Production Data – Episode by Episode
: seasons 1 through 7 updated again
- Location Database
: # 036 updated
- Vehicle Database updated: # 036 through 040 added
- Beyond the Show – Props – Phone Numbers:
- 555-2368 in
- "A Patch of Blue"
- "Baretta"
- "Close Encounters of the Third Kind"
- "Kojak"
- "When a Stranger Calls"
- "Ordinary People"
- "Hunter"
- "Howard the Duck"
- "Forever Young"
- "Memento"
- an AT&T commercial
- "Mafia!"
- "Along Came Polly"
- 555-7273 in "Hunter"
- 555-7823 in "The Simpsons"
March 7, 2022:
Site Update:
- Scripts: # 172 added to the Chao-Li Chi Memorial Library

- Behind the Scenes information updated again:
- Season 1:
- # 008 <1.08> — NICK STEVENS
- Season 2:
- # 021 <2.03> — NICK STEVENS
- # 025 <2.07> — NICK STEVENS
- # 027 <2.09> — mistake: nurse behind Dr. Howell and Melissa in the Tuscany Valley Memorial Hospital; DOMINIC BELMONTE; mistake: blonde woman in purple blouse at the gate of Hollywood Center Studios
- # 028 <2.10> — NICK STEVENS
- # 032 <2.14> — ROBERT HITCHCOCK; GEORGE SASAKI (second note)
- # 033 <2.15> — KEVIN TRACEY (two notes)
- # 035 <2.17> — NICK STEVENS
- Season 3:
- # 041 <3.01> — NICK STEVENS
- # 042 <3.02> — NICK STEVENS
- # 044 <3.04> — NICK STEVENS (two notes)
- # 053 <3.13> — NICK STEVENS
- # 066 <3.26> — NICK STEVENS
- Season 4:
- # 075 <4.07> — NICK STEVENS
- # 076 <4.08> — NICK STEVENS (two notes)
- # 093 <4.25> — mistake: Bradford's hands on Cass' arms
- Season 5:
- # 124 <5.26> — NICK STEVENS
- Season 6:
- # 133 <6.06> — original source for the establishing shot of the Pacific coast
- # 136 <6.09> — NICK STEVENS
- # 138 <6.11> — NICK STEVENS
- Season 7:
- # 166 <7.11> — mistake: Sheriff's North arm in the scene in the Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion study
- # 182 <7.26> — NICK STEVENS
- Cast Credits: seasons 2 through 5 updated again
- Staff & Crew Credits: seasons 2 through 5 updated again
- Production Data – Episode by Episode
: seasons 2 through 5 updated again
- Location Database
: # 016 and 032 updated
- Filming Locations – Movie Studios – Interior Sets
: blueprints added: Permanent Sets – Del Oro Spa & Country Club – Spa Building – Suite (Season 8): redresses for Angela's, Emma's, Maggie's and Malcolm's suites added
- Beyond the Show –
- Identical Names: KCPY on "Dynasty"
March 1, 2022:
Site Update — Special:
"Falcon Crest" is now available for streaming through Amazon Prime Video / IMDb in the U.S.
Details are available in the Media – Streaming section.
Feb 7, 2022:
Site Update:
- Scripts: # 171 added to the Chao-Li Chi Memorial Library

- Behind the Scenes information updated again:
- Season 2:
- # 022 <2.04> — LENNART JAKELL
- # 035 <2.17> — ROBERTA STORM
- Season 3:
- # 042 <3.02> — ROBERTA STORM
- # 043 <3.03> — ROBERTA STORM
- # 044 <3.04> — ROBERTA STORM
- # 046 <3.06> — Richard's outfit ("Flamingo Road")
- # 049 <3.09> — filming location for The Corral
- # 058 <3.18> — ROBERTA STORM
- # 060 <3.20> — ROBERTA STORM
- # 062 <3.22> — ROBERTA STORM
- # 063 <3.23> — bed in Emma's bedroom in the Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion
- # 065 <3.25> — ROBERTA STORM
- # 066 <3.26> — ROBERTA STORM
- Season 4:
- # 072 <4.04> — ROBERTA STORM
- # 073 <4.05> — ROBERTA STORM
- # 074 <4.06> — ROBERTA STORM
- # 076 <4.08> — ROBERTA STORM (two notes); bed in the Agretti master bedroom
- # 078 <4.10> — ROBERT HITCHCOCK
- # 087 <4.19> — ROBERT HITCHCOCK
- # 090 <4.22> — ROBERTA STORM; early script drafts: dialog between Richard and Lorraine in his KRDC office
- # 091 <4.23> — ROBERTA STORM
- # 098 <4.30> — LENNART JAKELL (two notes)
- Season 5:
- # 102 <5.04> — ROBERT HITCHCOCK
- # 117 <5.19> — LENNART JAKELL
- # 119 <5.21> — Maggie's / Jacqueline's fur
- # 123 <5.25> — ROBERTA STORM
- # 124 <5.26> — LENNART JAKELL
- Season 6:
- # 137 <6.10> — edited scene: Maggie and Richard at the New Globe, framed photo of Angela
- # 138 <6.11> — ROBERTA STORM
- # 142 <6.15> — LENNART JAKELL
- # 143 <6.16> — DAVID SELBY's improvisation (Mary Poppins); LENNART JAKELL
- Season 7:
- # 182 <7.27> — ROBERTA STORM
- # 183 <7.28> — editing mistake: Frank moving his head during Angela's eviction from Falcon Crest
- Season 8:
- # 185 <8.02> — ROBERTA STORM
- # 193 <8.10> — ROBERTA STORM
- # 200 <8.17> — LENNART JAKELL
- # 201 <8.18> — LENNART JAKELL
- # 202 <8.19> — LENNART JAKELL; ROBERTA STORM (two entries)
- Season 9:
- # 207 <9.02> — ROBERTA STORM
- # 219 <9.14> — ROBERTA STORM
- # 227 <9.22> — LENNART JAKELL
- Cast Credits: seasons 1 through 9 updated again
- Production Data – Episode by Episode
: updated again (seasons 1 through 9)
- Location Database
: # 049 updated
- Vehicle Database updated: # 032 through 035 added
- Beyond the Show –
- Props –
- Set Dressing:
Bamboo Armchairs (Gioberti House – Veranda; seasons 2 through 4) on "Knots Landing"
- Signage:
- ...Cab Co. (# 027 and 046) in "Dynasty"
- KSFB 3 News (# 069, 102 and 185) in "The Colbys"
- License Plates: 247 PCE (seasons 1 and 2) in "Grand Theft Auto" (1977)
- Phone Numbers: 555-2368 in "Dynasty"
- Wardrobe: "Flamingo Road": Sweater, Shirt and Slacks
- References: "Rich People Problems" ("Crazy Rich Problems")
JOHN P. BRUCE interview
In Memoriam... (Cast) updated: DONALD MAY
Jan 10, 2022:
Site Update:
- updated falcon coat of arms added to the Navigation Bar on the right
- Scripts: # 170 added to the Chao-Li Chi Memorial Library

- Behind the Scenes information updated again:
- Season 1:
- # 008 <1.08> — interior set of Angie's hotel suite in Rome / Italy
- # 017 <1.17> — interior set of the Tuscany Valley Hospital (more details)
- Season 2:
- # 023 <2.05> — Richard's suit ("Flamingo Road")
- # 025 <2.07> — Richard's sports coat ("Flamingo Road")
- # 030 <2.12> — picture in Lance and Melissa's bedroom
- # 038 <2.20> — product placement: Cole's Nike sneakers
- Season 3:
- # 043 <3.03> — Richard's sports coat
- # 058 <3.18> — picture in Michael and Terry's bedroom
- # 059 <3.19> — photo double for JANE WYMAN in Julia's nightmare
- # 060 <3.20> — weather inconsistency in the phone scene between Pamela and Richard
- Cast Credits: seasons 1 through 9 updated again
- Production Data – Episode by Episode
: updated again (seasons 1 through 9)
- Filming Locations – Movie Studios – Interior Sets
: blueprints added: Permanent Sets – Smith, Plenn & Hogstedt – Plenn's Office (# 055)
- Beyond the Show –
- Exterior Sets: new section
- Interior Sets:
- Falcon Crest Victorian Mansion – Study (another use in "Flamingo Road")
- New York City Police Department / San Francisco Police Department / Tuscany Valley Hospital
- Wardrobe:
- "Flamingo Road": Pin-Stripe Suit
- "Flamingo Road": Double-Breasted Sports Coat
- In Memoriam... (Staff & Crew) updated: CLAIRE WHITAKER
Go to chron of previous site updates...